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Stopping Global Warming's Advance
Technology Overview
Are Nuclear Pebbles Made?
TRISO Pebbles:
The Nuclear Coal
The Thorium Instead of Uranium
TRISO Nuclear Pebbles: How They Work.
Recycling Used Pebbles
World Nuclear Summary
Reactor Silos: What They Are Like And How They Work.
The Pebble Bed
Reactor Today
High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors - In Greater Depth
Are Nuclear Pebbles Like?
Listing of High Temperature Gas Reactor Technical Documents
Pebbles' Trouble Spots
Note: Some of the numbers in some of the sections don't
line up with reality.
Pebble Technology Overview
TRISO Nuclear Pebbles.
Introduction to TRISO Nuclear Pebbles.
"TRI-SO" for the
triple-coated isotropic
micro-particles in the

← Pebble Power. A "bed" of
pebbles in a reactor.
"Pebbles" containing tiny specks of Thorium and Uranium.
Nuclear Pebbles: The
air pollution-free
replacement for lumps of coal. Pebble
heat is roughly equivalent to coal heat. And that's saying a lot.
TRISO Pebbles:
Just as the advanced electronics technology for computers is in the microcomputer chip
itself, the advanced
nuclear technology for pebble bed reactors is in the pebble itself.
Blowing on them makes them give off heat. Like a pile of charcoal briquettes in your grille, a garbage can of pebbles is enough to make the critical mass
needed to get lots of heat out of the pebbles while
the pebbles look after themselves. Like the "bed" of hot briquettes
in your back yard grille, a "bed" of TRISO pebbles is incapable of exploding.
TRISO Pebbles Work
Pound-for-pound, nuclear produces 3 million times as
much electricity as coal.
Pebbles offer less.
Less risk, cost, and profit than conventional nuclear reactors.
The Doppler-Broadening technology used to make
self-controlling pebbles and fuel blocks is very versatile. Pebble bed reactors
can run on pebbles using uranium, thorium, recycled nuclear waste, and surplus warhead
Doppler-Broadening Fuel - (from General Atomics)

In addition to the pebble's natural ability to
control it's own heat through
Broadening physics,
pebble bed reactors make use of traditional basic fast action reactor control
Like a conventional power plant reactor, gravity
dropping of the control rods is sufficient to shut a pebble bed down immediately
and completely. Small up and down control rod movements adjust "cruising"
power. There is also an additional independent "Reserve Shutdown System"
(RSS) in PBMR's
reactor design.
(Right) A detailed drawing depicting the microscopic
uranium oxide + thorium particles in a 6 centimeter diameter
- about the size of a billiard ball - TRISO pebble. To
TRISO Pebbles Work
The Magic of the Pebble's
Smooth, slippery hard spheres, such as pebbles, will tend
to flow like water
through a pebble bed reactor. A gas coolant, such as helium, flows easily
through the spaces between
spheres. In a pebble reactor, pebbles are added at the top and drained
off at the bottom (right, below). Circulating pebble types can be identified and their
radioactivity measured as they pass single-file past sensors.
Dilution of the bed of
pebbles with both (A) inert pebbles and (B) neutron absorbing pebbles enables "fine-tuning"
of the amount of heat a
pile of pebbles can make. These special pebbles can be added or
removed as necessary from the pebble stream as it flows through the reactor.
Ten trips through the reactor before the pebble becomes too 'tired' and must be
replaced is said to be typical.
Since spent pebbles are constantly being removed and fresh ones added, this
avoids the month-long+ refueling shutdowns that conventional reactors undergo every year
or so. This
is a really neat trick.
Fill a shallow bowl with glass marbles to
re-acquaint yourself with the nature of smooth hard spheres. Pour a little
water into the marbles to see how much space there is between the marbles.
It will be about 1/3 the volume of the marbles.
"High Temperature Reactor represents a simple and
good-natured reactor system ensuring a low risk of capital loss." - W.
Wachholz, Hochtemperatur-Reaktorbau GmbH, Mannheim, Federal Republic of Germany
-- (About the thorium pebble bed THTR-300 reactor )
are a somewhat different nuclear energy ball game
and while many of the rules and regulations for conventional nuclear power do
apply, some do not, and some new rules are needed.
Be aware that TRISO pebbles
are radioactive so they must always be contained and handled as if they were conventional reactor fuel rods. For "zero-technology" remote
villages, exchangeable pebble "cartridge" reactors, perhaps not unlike Toshiba's 4S
Battery" reactor, would
be needed.
See also the U.S. HT3R
program and
TRISO Pebbles: The Nuclear Coal
There is a nuclear heat that is as hot as coal’s heat. Called
"TRI-SO" nuclear for triple-coated isotropic nuclear fuel, it is
designed to run safely as hot as 3,600°F.
Fire-hot TRISO nuclear fuels are tiny poppy-seed size specks of uranium
encapsulated in three layers of silicon carbide and pyrolytic carbon shells.
TRISO is the only developed nuclear technology available that is hot enough to
consider using for converting coal-burning power plants to nuclear heated
TRISO nuclear fuel heated reactors typically “cruise” at
1,700°F and a natural physics phenomenon
called Doppler-broadening will keep the reactor from ever getting hotter than
about 2,700°F. TRISO nuclear fuels
typically come in the form of billiard-ball size pebbles and stapler-size
prisms. A “Lite” nuclear technology, TRISO reactors do not need the costly
large castings and forgings required by conventional nuclear reactors.
(See also TRISO sidebar, below)
(SIDEBAR) About TRISO nuclear fuels
TRISO nuclear fuels are called
"TRI-SO" for the triple-coated isotropic poppy-seed size micro-particles
of nuclear fuels (uranium, thorium, plutonium) that make up their bulk. This
multi-coating containment of the fuel particles with layers of silicon
carbide and pyrolytic carbon is necessary to
keep the fission waste products from getting loose in the reactor. Nuclear
waste is produced as the heavy energy-metal atoms of uranium, etc., (called
major actinide metals) are converted by atom-splitting to, among other
things, xenon-135 gas and lighter minor actinide metals. (Having a 9-hour
half-life, xenon-135 gas acts like a fire extinguisher and can slow or stop the
reactor temporarily.)
Further enhancing a pebble
bed reactor’s overall safety, these triple coatings also provide three
additional levels of containment of the radioactive fuels in addition to the two
containment barriers created by the reactor itself and its underground silo.
Conventional liquid cooled nuclear power reactors provide only one or two levels
of containment and also cause large amounts of water to come into direct contact
with the uranium. Unlike water, helium does not become radioactive.
Producing pebbles:
To produce an 8 ounce nuclear pebble containing about 9 grams of nuclear fuel,
some 15,000 of these tiny triple-coated TRISO fuel particles are mixed with a
graphite powder/phenolic resin paste and pressed into the shape of a 50 mm
diameter ball. A 5 mm thick outer shell of pure carbon is then added and the
pebble is sintered, annealed, and machined smooth to 60 mm to withstand
the abrasion, impacts, and heat of automated machine handling and fluidized
travel through the reactor’s pebble bed.
When fresh, a TRISO pebble
can produce more than 1,000 watts of heat lasting over two years for a total
equaling about 30 tons of coal’s heat. That’s about $1,000 at today’s $35/ton
coal delivered to the power plant from an $18 pebble. (
Kemm PBMR Paper "The Cost of Electricity from
the PBMR," John H Gittus). A PBMR reactor holds about 450,000 pebbles.
(End of SIDEBAR)
World Nuclear Summary:
As you can see, the nuclear knowledge 'Cat' is long out of the bag.
2007 Electrical
generation fuel costs (per
million BTUs): Coal, $2.04; Oil, $8.21; Gas, 10.29;
Nuclear, $0.42. --- Consumers
Energy, Michigan,
[Annual Report]
2006 U.S. average, all production costs, in cents per kiloWatt-hour of
electricity: Oil, 9.63; Gas, 6.75; Coal, 2.37; Nuclear,
1.72. --- Rod Adams

443 large power reactors in 38 different
countries - 2/3 of the world's population is in that list. Before
mid-century the total will be over 1,000. As of June, 2006, there were 36
nuclear power plants under construction in 14 different countries. As of
October, 2006, the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission had at least 36
docket requests for new nuclear plant licenses. They are in an office space
crunch already. According to the United States Department of Energy (Feb 2006),
a total of 130 new nuclear plants are either being proposed, approved, or under
actual construction worldwide over the next 15 years. That number agrees with
what The International Atomic Energy Agency predicted about a year ago. Data:
2007 World Uranium Production:
Canada, 25%; Australia, 22%; Kazakhstan,
17%; Russia, 9%; Niger, 9%; Namibia, 7%; Uzbekistan, 6%; United States, 4%;
Other, 9%. (Cameco estimate, totals may differ due to rounding.)
Uranium Enrichment: Today, at least a dozen countries are known to have facilities to enrich uranium.
Eight have nuclear weapons: the U.S., the U.K., France, China, Russia, India,
Israel, and
Pakistan. South Africa used to have 6 nuclear weapons but gave all of
them up - the only country in the world to have ever done so. The other
capable of enrichment - Germany, Japan, Argentina, Brazil and the
Netherlands - don’t have weapons. Africa (Niger and Namibia)
and Canada have large natural deposits of uranium. South Africa and Canada are
seeking to join the uranium
enrichment club in order to produce more-profitable
(5%) reactor-grade
fuel. Saskatchewan
produces a quarter of the world’s uranium. The intentions and
capabilities of Iran, a nuclear client of Russia, are still in question.
Separation of
Isotopes by
Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing locations: France: COGEMA La Hague,
1,900 Tons/year,
United Kingdom: B205 at Sellafield, 1,700 tons/year,
United Kingdom: Thorp at Sellafield, 1,000 tons/year,
Japan: Rokkasho, 900 tons/year, Russia: Mayak, 450 tons/year, India: Kalpakkam,
300 tons/year.
Reprocessing of spent (slightly used) fuel: Nuclear "waste" still has
95% of its nuclear energy remaining at the time it becomes "too tired" to be
useable in conventional reactors.
Outside the United States, spent nuclear fuel is recycled at one of 6
reprocessing sites. Work was begun on a
reprocessing plant at the Savannah River site in the fall of 2005. In
unreprocessed form, spent fuel often has both reactor and weapon value. If
recycled about 10 times, it is reduced to about 5% its original mass, is of no
value for anything, and has no materials that will remain radioactive for more than a few hundred years.
Pebbles would need to be crushed to dust - like pebbles - to be reprocessed.
U.S. spent fuel storage:
In the United States, spent fuel is currently stored at nuclear power plant sites.
A Cold-War spent fuel idea was to store, rather than recycle, spent fuel
in two underground facilities, one east (never built), and one west. The
western facility is Yucca Mountain, Nevada.
There is also an underground storage facility (Waste Isolation Pilot Plant -
near Carlsbad, New Mexico,
run by the Department of Energy for the U.S. military.
In addition to slow and fast reactors, there is a third type, the
"producer reactor" whose sole purpose is to produce weapons-grade plutonium.
We built and used them at Hanford, Washington, to produce the plutonium used in
the Nagasaki bomb. First-pass spent fuel from a power reactor (such as the
Chernobyl RBMK
) resembles the product of producer reactors.
CANDU reactors are very "neutron-frugal," do not need enriched uranium, and
will also run quite well on "spent" fuel from conventional reactors.
Thirty of the world's reactors are standard CANDUs and there are also 13 advanced
derivatives of CANDU reactors in India referred to as "Hindu CANDUs."
Other reactors: Two hundred teaching and
research reactors, several hundred nuclear ships (United States, Russia, France,
United Kingdom, and China). There are over 50,000 nuclear warheads with perhaps 4,000
actually deployed.
It's not nuclear energy that has made modern war so
terrible, it is oil energy.
Whatever the problems of nuclear, they are
nothing compared to the problems of Climate Change and Peak Oil.
The Pebble Bed Reactor Today
Preface: All big coal power plants use 1,000°F steam
for higher efficiency.
Conventional nuclear reactors
cannot produce steam hotter than 550°F, so they cannot be used to convert coal power
plants to
nuclear. 1,700°F high-temperature
pebble bed reactors will work just fine.
Reminder: Coal produces heat by the
chemically destructive process of burning. Uranium produces heat by the
atom destructive process of fission. Per pound, uranium produces about 3 million
times as much heat as coal but, unlike burning, fission produces no Global Warming CO2.
Pebble Bed Reactor's Popularity
Pebble Bed reactors have been a "Device of
Disinterest" since the beginning of the atomic age in the mid-40s but I think
they really hit the spot for this CO2 mega-mitigation task. The Pebble
Bed Reactor is clearly the "Cinderella"
of the nuclear electricity reactor world. Her two step-sisters,
Boiling Water
Reactor and
Pressurized Water Reactor, married well - General Electric and Westinghouse
- after impressive military careers
- submarines and aircraft carriers - and have grown even more powerful and wealthy over the last 50 years.
The much less
well-connected Cinderella has fared poorly. She was neither
the child nor the mother of any major
military programs nor civilian power plant projects. This Cinderella's
advantages are coal-hot heat and greater safety but with the shortcomings of
lower power and higher fuel cost. Two marginal advantages that didn't
overcome her two money-making shortcomings for businesses seeking the riches that came from power
in the era
before Global Warming awareness.
Bed Reactors
An Alternative Atomic Energy.
They are very different from
conventional nuclear power plant reactors.
These High-Temperature
Gas-cooled Reactors
have been
around since the beginning of the atomic age.
Being helium gas-cooled, rather than water-cooled, they are incapable of a steam
explosion. Like air-cooled engines compared with water-cooled engines,
they run hotter, are larger for the same amount of power, and,
naturally safer,
are not the money-makers conventional nuclear reactors are. Over
time, their more expensive fuel offsets both their lower initial construction costs
and faster build time savings.
Pebble beds are not your father's reactor.
They are a simple, fundamentally different kind of reactor that
limits its own maximum temperature via an unalterable natural process, and, since the reactor lacks steam pressure, pebble beds are unable to explode
like steam boiler reactors. Just as the advanced electronics technology for computers is in
the microcomputer chip itself, the advanced nuclear technology for pebble bed
reactors is in the pebble itself.
Introduction to TRISO Pebbles
Pebble Personality: Blowing on TRISO pebbles cools them, causing them
to make more heat. Not unlike a pile of charcoal briquettes in your grille
(but very different physics).
Doppler broadening causes the pebbles to have an extremely strong negative temperature
coefficient. The hotter they get, the fewer
BTUs of heat they make. A
counter-intuitive concept.
the cooling stops for any reason and if, for some reason, the control rods are
not dropped to shut the reactor off, the pebbles go to a "hot idle" condition
that produces fewer BTUs of heat than the space around the reactor will absorb,
thus keeping the pebbles from getting hotter. (The reactor has a three
foot thick insulation lining made of graphite on the inside that holds both the heat and radiation in.)
This natural behavior of the pebbles makes the reactor inherently safe - no "meltdown"
potential for a properly designed, built, and installed reactor. Cooling the pebbles down
again will cause the pebbles to go out of "hot idle" and to make a lot of heat
(BTUs) again. Like the "bed" of hot briquettes
in your back yard grille, a "bed" of TRISO pebbles is incapable of exploding.
Pebble Power:
reactors will run on all the usual
fission fuels but often
run on thorium, which is much more available than uranium, with small amounts of
uranium mixed into the thorium. More expensive than
simple uranium pellet-filled conventional reactor fuel rods,
HTGR fuel .pdf fuel fabrication begins with tiny sand-size grains of thorium and uranium.
These grains are then
triple coated (layers of pyrolytic carbon - silicon carbide - pyrolytic carbon)
[named "TRISO"] and then about 10,000 of these almost microscopic
grains are formed into either tennis-ball size spheres (
) or stapler-size blocks (
). Developed long before the era of terrorism, this extremely tough
pyrolytic fuel encapsulation configuration inadvertently happens to make it
extremely difficult for
a terrorist to get to the few uranium particles mixed in among the much greater
quantity of no-terror-value thorium particles.
Past Pebbles: The
2006 South African PBMR Pebble Bed Modular Reactor is
an advancement beyond the good running
1983 German
pebble bed reactor
but as of this moment the PBMR doesn't have
a substantial run time track record. It was a great loss for the world
that the follow-on THTR-500 pebble bed was never built in the early 1990s and run for a decade to see if it
really would have been better than its THTR-300 predecessor.
troublesome late 1960s United States' General
Fort St Vrain block fuel reactor, along
with the late 50s
Peach Bottom I
were the U.S. HTGR power
Going even further back in time, the first
MAGNOX power station, a high
temperature CO2 gas-cooled reactor, the 1956
Calder Hall, was the world's first commercial nuclear power station.
Present Pebbles:
Contemporary operating HTGR reactors are China's
HTR-10 pebble bed at Tsinghua University and Japan's 30 mWt
HTTR prismatic at Oarai, Japan. Not yet
operating is the GT-MHR prismatic reactor,
an American-Russian project. The scope of the Russian Minatom GT-MHR prismatic reactor program includes construction of a
GT-MHR plant at Seversk
(formerly Tomsk-7) to destroy a portion of the Russian inventory of surplus
weapons plutonium and to produce electricity for the surrounding region. (10% of
the electricity powering the monitor you are reading now is from destroying weapons
plutonium - the
Megatons to
Megawatts Program - or about half of the nuclear electricity presently being generated
in the United States - nuclear is 20% of all U.S. electricity.)
Large, commercial-size pebble bed powered projects under way
at this time are electricity generating complexes in South Africa (ESKOM at Capetown - 4,000 to 6,000 mWe from 20 to 30 PBMR
gas turbine generating units) and China (Rongcheng - 3,600 mWe from 19 PBR steam
turbine generating units).
Power companies are not in the business of doing new things and often get stung
when they do. That's why a demonstration facility such as
J. R. Whiting is essential to get them to even THINK about
what this web site is suggesting.
Future Pebbles:
As the HTGR community is well aware, there is also
a great deal of development work going on right now with perhaps 20 different
reactors including several different
HTGRs. The 600 mWt prismatic ANTARES / GT-MHR and the
considered to be significant future reactors.
The 400 mWt pebble bed PBMR appears to me to be both
the closest fit and the closest to being
a real product in a form that could be rapidly mass-produced at reasonable cost
and applied to existing fossil fuel power plants in the
event a world-wide emergency rapid CO2 mitigation project is activated after we
come to understand the answer wasn't blowing in the wind. to NRC New Reactor Certifications
Producing Pebble Bed Reactors:
Pebble bed reactors are not your father's reactor
and shouldn't take nearly as long or cost nearly as much to build. I may be wrong about this,
but I don't
think pebble bed reactors have the super-large castings and forgings that make up conventional reactors.
These huge parts add so much to a reactor's cost and build time. Production of some of the
biggest parts needed to build a conventional reactor is limited to several of
the world's major industrial giant countries (some question if the United States
is still a "able-to-do-it-all" member of this select fraternity).
If a country is capable of producing the largest -
50,000 horsepower plus - marine diesel engines, it should be able to produce all
the metal parts needed to manufacture PBMR reactors. If a country is
capable of producing the hydraulic actuators and avionics computers that go in
the very largest jet liners, it should be able to do the pebble handlers and
control instrumentation. As to critical materials, I estimate the world is
producing sufficient conventional and nuclear-grade graphite
these days to supply the 3 foot thick, 20 foot OD, 88 foot tall, reactor vessel
thermal/radiation insulating linings and neutron reflectors for about 500 PBMR reactors a year.
We are not talking about a toy or something
that's a week-end project to build. A PBMR reactor is 20 feet in
diameter and 88 feet tall. The reactor is lined with over 3,500 tons of
graphite neutron reflectors
and shielding blocks, 800 tons of which are
nuclear grade graphite, These numbers seem big when comparing with your basement hot water heater but are
modest when you compare with conventional reactors and coal power plants which
can have 30 story tall boilers. The world produces enough graphite to
build about 500 pebble bed reactors a year.
Nuclear Graphite from coal
It also should be pointed out
that the supercritical water heater and the superheated steam generator are not
trivial devices and will represent a substantial portion of the conversion cost.
The biggest steam generators in the world are for PWR nuclear plants and it's
not unusual for them to cost 100 million dollars. To our advantage is the
fact we have 50+ years experience in this area so those subtle metallurgy
problems are well-known. Neither device will be exposed to radiation.
Pebble People:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(Andrew C. Kadak, PhD., & Co.)
has a pebble bed reactor project. China's Tsinghua University has the
HTR-10 teaching pebble bed reactor. China's
Huaneng Power International, Inc.,
is supposed to be active in pebble bed reactors. United States' General Atomics is the GT-MHR
company. South Africa's Pebble Bed Modular Reactors, (Pty) Ltd. is the
PBMR company.
Find a pebble bed expert at:
Rod Adams of Adams Atomic Engines,
comes to mind as a pebble-person. There has to be a herd of pebble people
out there. Run an ad in the nuclear profession engineer and equipment
Nuclear Pebbles: How They Work.
page refreshers:
Brownian motion.
Doppler Broadening.
(Me too.)
Links to additional details:
Are Nuclear Pebbles Like? How
Are Nuclear Pebbles Made?
A 7oz nuclear pebble showing its 0.3oz of inner micro
spheres of uranium and thorium→
This is in addition to the conventional
atomic fission control system in a pebble bed
Pebbles control their own fission using a
natural physics phenomena that takes advantage of the natural thermal "Brownian
movement" of atoms.
It's called "Doppler
People can't alter
how a pebble controls its own temperature and a pebble bed reactor is naturally immune to thermal
runaway. Here's why:
It's all
about RELATIVE velocities of atoms and free neutrons adding up to a certain
"near-perfect" RELATIVE velocity that will cause free neutrons flying about in the
reactor to be
readily captured by non-radioactive Uranium-238 atoms.
Free neutrons flying about
(and slowing down as they do so because they are passing through a graphite
'speed moderator') in a reactor cause atomic fission
(splitting) when they happen to collide
with a radioactive Uranium-235 (when they have slowed) or a radioactive Plutonium-239
(also when they have slowed)
atom. This produces heat and more "prompt" and "delayed" neutrons flying about
that could collide with other radioactive atoms. The well-known slow chain
Heat causes
atoms to vibrate a bit. This movement is called "Brownian movement". The greater
the back-and-forth Brownian movement of a non-radioactive Uranium-238
atom, the greater the chances are that the atom will "eat" a passing
fast-moving free
neutron like "Pac-man," thus diverting
that neutron from striking a radioactive Uranium-235 or a radioactive
Plutonium-239 atom and making some more heat and even more free neutrons
flying about. (After a while, that now overweight (pregnant?) non-radioactive Uranium-239
atom will decay (gestate?) into a radioactive Plutonium-239 atom -
this is the process called atomic "breeding" - and, now radioactive, this atom
will fission if it is struck by some other free neutron flying about inside the
Since a
pebble's Uranium is over 90% non-radioactive Uranium-238, the chances of a free
neutron escaping capture to make heat and more free neutrons become very poor as the pebble gets hotter
and hotter and the "reach" of the non-radioactive U-238
atoms becomes greater and greater. This increased "reaching" action as
temperature goes up is called "Doppler Broadening".
Since free neutrons come from
radioactive atoms splitting, and strong Doppler Broadening dries up the supply of free neutrons, atom
splitting in hot pebbles slows way down with the pebble going into a state not unlike the
"hot idle" of a car engine - hot, but not running hard.
(Some describe this state as the "Reactor going to sleep.") Blowing
a coolant like air on the very hot pebble cools it down, (wakes it up) suppressing Doppler Broadening,
thus revving up the atomic
fissions again, causing the pebble to make more heat as it attempts to get back
up to hot idle again - about 2,500°F. Somewhat like blowing on a bed of hot
charcoal briquettes in your grille.
As with conventional reactors, a pebble's
radioactive Uranium-235 becomes consumed and natural
neutron poisons like xenon gas build up in the pebble, so it becomes "tired" after a
couple of years, not putting out much heat anymore even though there's still a
lot of uranium left in it. Like all other so-called "waste" nuclear fuels,
pebbles would then be crushed into
powder and recycled to recover the still-unused 9+% Uranium-238, along
with harvesting the plutonium that was produced for MOX fuel in either
conventional reactors or for use in the production of MOX pebbles, rather than
Uranium-235 pebbles. Plutonium-239 resembles Uranium-235
when it 'burns,' but produces only about half as many delayed neutrons, thus
needing different enrichment ratios than a uranium pebble.
Note: Being an electronic/electrical engineer, I
know nothing about nuclear physics or fuel element design. I would like to
pass along the observation that similar dimensions, materials, and materials
ratios appear in other pebble and prism designs by others so I have to suspect
that just any old design along these lines might not produce a pebble that runs
as predictably.
To repeat, this time from Wikipedia, using their words:
"Nuclear technology: In a nuclear
reactor, this effect reduces the power generated as the reactor temperature
When a reactor gets hotter, the accelerated motion of the atoms in the fuel
increases the probability of neutron capture by U-238 atoms. When the uranium is
heated, its nuclei move more rapidly in random directions, and therefore see and
generate a wider range of relative neutron speeds. U-238, which forms the bulk
of the uranium in the reactor, is much more likely to absorb fast neutrons. This
reduces the number of neutrons available to cause U-235 fission, reducing the
power output by the reactor.
In some reactor designs, such as the pebble bed reactor, this natural negative
feedback places an inherent upper limit on the temperature at which the chain
reaction can proceed. Such reactors are said to be "inherently safe" because a
reactor failure cannot generate a criticality excursion. It is worth noting,
however, that because of decay heat emitted from the decay of fission products,
a meltdown is still theoretically possible if the ability to cool the reactor is
lost, and thus the reactor design must be designed to prevent a loss of coolant
accident." - From Wikipedia.
designed to
prevent a loss of coolant accident." - From Wikipedia.
Again: There are no humans,
computers, or devices of any kind in a pebble's nuclear fission control loop.
Just unalterable natural physics.

Practical pebbles: The hotter a pebble gets, the
more Brownian movement atoms have, so the
more Doppler Broadening reduces the pebble's ability to fission and make lots of
heat. Pebbles are ceramic and can withstand temperatures over 3,600°F.
A pebble bed reactor is hottest in its idle state (afterheat) -
typically 2,500°F - when heat is not being taken from it. This high
temperature "ceiling" causes Doppler Broadening to suppress almost all fission.
The pebble goes from full cool output, perhaps 500 watts of heat at 800°F, to
full hot idle, perhaps just 25 watts of heat at 2,500°F.
When first encountered, this
idea will strike one as being very counter-intuitive. Pebbles must be
stimulated by cooling to cause them to make large quantities of heat.
The high surface area relative to
volume, and the low power density in the core
can make
the pebble bed a very thermally "lossy" reactor with proper design and the higher the
temperature, the faster the few "hot idle" watts being made move on out. At idle temperature, the reactor, basically
just a sheet metal silo full of pebbles and a pebble monitor machine, can't get hotter and melt
down because its design causes it to loose its idling heat through natural
heat heatsinking - radiation and conduction - into its
surroundings. So it goes into a "hot idle" equilibrium
naturally with no devices or human action needed.
There is no steam or anything else under high pressure in the reactor to
The harder you work a pebble bed reactor by
pulling heat out of it, the cooler it becomes and the less Doppler
Broadening suppresses neutron fission activity - thus causing it to make even more heat. To say again in different
words, the cooler a pebble becomes, the harder it tries to get "idle" hot again.
This behavior is called a "Negative Temperature Coefficient" and is the main
reason pebble bed reactors are considered "Always walk-away safe".
Again: At 7 MegaWatts thermal per cubic yard, pebbles are
not very energy-dense when compared to conventional reactors, i.e., they are
considered large for the amount of heat they make, perhaps comparable to a coal
boiler in size for the same heat.
The much cooler conventional liquid-cooled reactors also demonstrate a little
Doppler Broadening that helps cruising a bit, but not nearly enough for either
complete self-control or safety purposes. Another effect with light-water
conventional reactors that also helps cruising is when at operating
temperatures, if the temperature of the water increases, its density drops, and
fewer neutrons passing through it are slowed enough to trigger further
reactions. That negative feedback stabilizes the reaction rate.
What Are Nuclear Pebbles Like?
My wife says Nuclear Pebbles
remind her of
the fictional Dilithium crystals used to propel the Star Trek ship "Enterprise".
Each tennis ball size pebble is
almost an individual nuclear reactor, which in
turn, is filled with about 15,000 nearly microscopic nearly nano-reactor specks 0.5 millimeter
in diameter - smaller than a grain of salt.
The thermal behavior of a
nuclear pebble is a little counter-intuitive.
They DON'T TURN OFF. They are ALWAYS "running" and,
when there's a pile of them big enough to make a "critical mass", are "hot"
- from both from a thermal and a radiation standpoint.
In 1947 Farrington Daniels
conceived the first crude pebble bed reactor, in which helium
rises through fissioning uranium oxide or carbide pebbles and
cools them by carrying away heat for power production. The
"Daniels' pile" was an early version of the later
high-temperature gas-cooled reactor developed further at Oak
Ridge National Laboratories, and now being developed into production
in several countries around the world.
The modern pebble concept was
perfected by
Professor Dr. Rudolf Schulten in the 1950s. The modern pebble concept was
enabled by his understanding that engineered forms of silicon carbide and
pyrolytic carbon were quite strong, even at temperatures as high as 2000 °C
(3600 °F). It's calculated that
under enclosed conditions with other running pebbles around it, a pebble could
get as hot as 1,600 °C with no cooling going on, leaving at least a 400 °C (750
°F) safety margin.
(Chorus:) ♫To
make a pebble put out more heat, you
have to cool it down.♫
Nuclear pebbles
are spheres that fission more or less depending upon how much heat is being taken out of
them. The hotter they get, the less they fission, and, as a
consequence, the less heat they make. The more heat you take out, the more heat they produce. Within limits, of course.
Explanations of how this is
achieved from two different sources:
"As a pebble gets hotter, the rapid
motion of atoms in the fuel decreases probability of neutron capture by U-235
atoms. This effect is
known as Doppler Broadening*. Nuclei of heated uranium move more rapidly
in random directions generating a wider range of neutron speeds. U-238,
the isotope which makes up most of the uranium in the reactor, is much more
likely to absorb the faster moving neutrons. This reduces the number of
neutrons available to spark U-235 fission. This, in turn, lowers heat
output. This built-in negative feedback places a temperature limit on the
fuel without operator intervention."
To repeat, from a more detailed source:
"[*Doppler broadening is a temperature
feedback mechanism in which the absorption resonances of U-238 in the 6-100 eV range broaden as the temperature
increases, resulting in greater resonant neutron absorption. As more
neutrons are captured by U-238 atoms, fewer are available for U-235 fission at
thermal energies (i.e. around 1/40 eV), reducing the reactivity. Since
neutrons must undergo more collisions with carbon than with hydrogen to reach
thermal energies, there are more neutrons in the resonant absorption range for
graphite-moderated homogeneous systems than for water-moderated homogeneous
systems, so the graphite system would feel the Doppler effect more strongly.]" *Wikipedia page devoted
to Doppler Broadening only.
*Wikipedia provides an explanation of how Doppler Broadening is used to
increase or decrease the nuclear fission going on inside a pebble as the
pebble's design adjusts its heat output under increasing or decreasing work loads
Doppler Broadening isn't just
for pebbles. "Note that
Doppler broadening is already effective in Westinghouse-type Pressurized Water
Reactors (e.g. French plants), it's a passive feedback loop that alone is
100% efficient in maintaining core temperature within a few degrees of the
design goal during "cruise" operation." -- Pierre, from "Nuclear
renaissance in Europe, part 1," by Starvid
(Chorus:) ♫To make a pebble put
out more heat, you have to cool it down.♫
A pebble bed reactor (PBR) is simple
to make. You take a barrel of pebbles, and, since air blows easily
through a barrel full of spheres, blow room air into the top, and air a bit less than 1,600 °F
air will come out the bottom. Like your furnace, we're just blowing air
around. In real life, inert helium, or, more likely, nitrogen is
more likely to be used. There is no reactor steam, so there's no high pressure nuclear reactor boiler that can
explode. 1,800 °F is about as hot as your car's combustion chamber or
a coal-burning power plant's boiler fire. Air that hot can also be used to turn coal into a vapor
(pyrolysis) that
can be liquefied (with the help of catalysts) into oil or gasoline. Or
drive a gas turbine generator directly to make electricity without needing to
use a steam cycle. This is called a Brayton cycle. The pebble bed world is
obsessed with using pebble beds in this manner because its much more efficient
than conventional (Your Father's) steam reactors.
Discussion about the danger of high pressure steam boilers and our boiler laws.
The energy density of pebble bed
reactors is 1/30th that of a regular nuclear reactor, so there's much less
energy packed into a small space.
Pebble bed reactors are intended
to be typically 1% to 15% as powerful as a water cooled nuclear power plant.
PBRs are designed to be mass-produced at low cost in modules (hence, the name
"Pebble Bed Modular Reactor" or PBMR) that can be grouped together to supply large
amounts of power if needed. The intent of the PBMR Company in South Africa
is to electrify Africa without the enormous expense of building an electrical
grid by having a lot of small stand-alone power plants at small towns all over
the continent.
Other early applications will be to
use PBMR heat for water purification and sea-going ship engines (Romawa, B.
V., Holland), This author thinks a 10 megawatt thermal (20,000 or about 3
cubic yards of pebbles) railroad engine would be a
good application for the toroid reactor Adams Engine if combined with the
secondary coolant discharge to the atmosphere idea of the Romawa ship engine (Adams Atomic Engines, Inc, U.S.A.),
replacements for large industrial coal-burning boilers such as oil
refinery, hydrogen gas production, and oil production from non-oil fossil fuels
(PBMR, South Africa).
The Chinese have a research pebble
bed reactor unit up
and running at Beijing's Tsinghua University. Other than at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, not very much seems to be happening with
pebble bed reactors in the United States.
How Are Nuclear Pebbles Made?:

How nuclear pebbles are made:
To avoid
interpretation distortion, the following was extracted from a paper posted on
PBMR's web site.
fuel is based on a proven, high-quality German fuel design consisting of low
enriched uranium triple-coated isotropic (LEU -TRISO) particles contained in a
molded graphite sphere. A coated particle comprises a kernel of uranium dioxide
surrounded by four coating layers (see diagram on web page).
In the fabrication process, a
solution of uranyl nitrate is sprayed to form microspheres, which are then
gelled and calcined (baked at high temperature) to produce uranium dioxide fuel
“kernels”. The kernels are then run through a chemical vapor deposition (CVD)
oven – typically using an argon environment at a temperature of 1,000 ºC (1,832
ºF) – in which layers of specific chemicals can be added with extreme precision.

For PBMR fuel, the first layer deposited on the kernels
is porous carbon, which allows fission products to collect without
over-pressurizing the coated fuel particles. This is followed by a thin coating
of pyrolytic carbon (a very dense form of heat-treated carbon), a layer of
silicon carbide (a strong refractory material), and another layer of pyrolytic
The porous carbon accommodates any
mechanical deformation that the uranium dioxide kernel may undergo during the
lifetime of the fuel as well as gaseous fission products diffusing out of the
kernel. The pyrolytic carbon and silicon carbide layers provide an
impenetrable barrier designed to contain the fuel and radioactive fission
products resulting from nuclear reactions in the kernel. Some 15,000 of
these coated particles, now about a millimeter in diameter, are then mixed with
graphite powder and a phenolic resin and pressed into the shape of 50 mm
diameter balls. A 5 mm thick layer of pure carbon is then added to form a
“non-fuel” zone, and the resulting spheres are then sintered and annealed to
make them hard and durable.
Finally, the spherical fuel “pebbles”
are machined to a uniform diameter of 60 mm, about the size of a tennis ball.
Each fuel pebble contains 9 g of
uranium and the total mass of a fuel pebble is 210 g - about 8 ounces. The total uranium in one
entire pebble bed reactor fuel load is 4.1 metric tons"
A typical American automobile weighs
around 2 tons.
Maximum output of a nuclear pebble
has been stated as about 500 watts. U.S. Study
on pebble details.
Cost of an
individual nuclear pebble was stated as being around $10 to $15 US or about 0.5
cents per kiloWatt hour.
I suspect it will soon be higher since new nuclear plants are being built all
over the world and the main secondary source of nuclear fuel, old weapons
warheads, is becoming depleted. The other major secondary source
of uranium, nuclear waste, which is 95% recyclable, is supposed to be discarded
and buried rather than re-used and ultimately "burned" down to almost
nothing radioactive. Robert Hargraves' pebble
bed reactor blog.
MIT's Pebble Bed Reactor web site. Andrew C. Kadak, PhD.,
and a team of nuclear specialists. Great papers.
An NPR Radio clip from a nuclear pebble
Pebble beds are not the long-term answer for
electricity generation. I see pebble beds as the everyday,
common usage, by common people, heat source for process and other industrial
heat uses. I would think that any form of new coal-burning power plant,
or, for that matter, any combustion use of any fossil fuel for other than
vehicular fuel would be outlawed. We must understand that fissile
Uranium-235 is in ample supply only as matches, not as firewood. Future
new power plants need to be of the breeder type so that we will always have
ample quantities of the secondary fissile materials - U-233 and, if necessary,
Pu-239 - available forever. Its available for the mining and breeding in
U-238 and Th-232 form.

The pebbles described above define a slow reactor
using a lot of less than totally desirable graphite (it caught fire at
Chernobyl Unit 4) as a moderator. I've caught wind of a fast reactor version of a
pebble being looked at by General Atomics partnering with some Russian group
that uses little or no graphite as a moderator along with other materials as
inter-TRISO media. They are getting a very high burn up on the first pass
but its still far from complete.
HTRs can potentially use thorium-based fuels, such
as HEU or LEU with Th, U-233 with Th, and Pu with Th. Most of the experience
with thorium fuels has been in HTRs. General Atomics say that the MHR has a
neutron spectrum as such and the TRISO fuel so stable that the reactor can be
powered fully with separated transuranic wastes (neptunium, plutonium, americium
and curium) from light water reactor used fuel.
The Thorium Instead of Uranium
Option TRISO Pebble fuel included: THTR
The THTR-300 was a thorium high-temperature nuclear reactor
rated at 300 MW electric (THTR-300). The German state of North Rhine
Westphalia, in the Federal Republic of Germany, and
Hochtemperatur-Kernkraftwerk GMBH (HKG) financed the THTR-300’s
construction. Operations started on the plant in Hamm-Uentrop, Germany
in 1983, and it was shut down September 1st, 1989. The THTR was
synchronized to the grid for the first time in 1985 and started full
power operation in February 1987. The THTR-300 served as a prototype for
high-temperature reactors (HTR) and was the first to use a pebble bed
design and TRISO fuel. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Recycling Used Pebbles:
Global Warming or Nuclear
Most of the big CO2 polluting countries also
have nuclear power. A more realistic scenario is business as usual with each
country doing more of what it is doing already with conventional nuclear fuel
rods and would simply add spent pebbles to their existing programs. Most
of the big CO2 polluting countries that could make good use of pebble
nuclear technology already have nuclear
power plants and world-acceptable nuclear fuel policies and handling procedures in place already. -- Links to
policies of almost all nuclear countries.
The Hard Part: Recycling.
I never said pebbles were the lowest-cost way to go
nuclear. Coal Yard Nukes are intended to be a quick way for the world to
get back on the nuclear electricity track as a way to end unnecessary Global
Warming just to make electricity. I'm only discussing the basic
uranium pebble here - the one that has a fuel cycle almost identical to your
conventional neighborhood nuclear power plant. Thorium and breeder pebbles
are similar, but not identical.
The "Full Recycling" model described in the
December, 2005, issue of Scientific American magazine by William H.
Hannum, Gerald E. Marsh and George S Stanford, is the most expensive, but most
practical approach. They claim less than 1% of the radioactive material
escapes being used for making electricity and only tiny quantities of short term (500 years rather
than 10,000 years) wastes need to be buried.
The low-hanging nuclear fruits on Mother
Nature's tree of energy are: Uranium-235 (not plentiful, radioactive, and
the "match" for all nuclear fire), Uranium-238 (plentiful, but has to be made
radioactive, and should be thought of as "nuclear firewood"), and Thorium-232
(extremely plentiful, but has to be made radioactive, and should also be thought
of as "nuclear firewood").
If we continue to burn just the matches,
and at this time, pebble beds fall into the category of match-burners, we'll
become unable to start nuclear fires in as little as 200 years. "Full
Recycling" supports the breeding U-238
and Th-232 into radioactive Plutonium-239 and radioactive Uranium-233 and then
always recovering and re-using them as
an essential part of ensuring mankind unlimited electricity forever.
Nuclear recycling facilities are about the size
of a small automobile assembly plant. It doesn't seem unreasonable that
most countries would do their own recycling, if only to keep the cash flow
involved domestic. Disposal of the waste is actually a simple and
inexpensive task that any country can afford to do.
The Easy Part: Permanent Burial of
the really spent nuclear fuel (actinides only) in a
disposal shaft is an inexpensive and easy thing for any country to do. Using an oil
rig, drill an 8
inch (a common and cheap size - some other size may be economically optimal in real life) oil
well pipe 6 miles into the ground, creating a
1,800+ cubic foot disposal volume (about a 12 foot cube) in the pipe between miles 6 and 5, plug the bottom end with 50 feet of
reinforcing bars and concrete, batch poured over several days to seal any leaks,
fill mile 6 to mile 5 with the actinides as
a slurry, let settle a month, then capping the last 50 feet with reinforcing bars mixed with
concrete batch poured over time, break the pipe at mile 5 with an attached
shaped explosive cutting charge, then
withdraw the remaining pipe to use for making the next disposal shaft.
Anyone trying to retrieve that worthless stuff will have to
re-drill a 5 mile shaft to better than plus or minus 2 inches accuracy and then
deal with 50 feet of concrete and steel. Assuming we allow one square yard
per 8 inch disposal pipe, we can put about 5,000 such disposal shafts on a
single acre. How's that for being kind to the environment? Since
Yucca Flats is already set up for nuclear disposal, we could set up the disposal
oil rig in a several acre space just beyond the administration building's
parking lot so the rig crew could use the building's cafeteria and toilets.
The Reactor
Silos: What They Are Like and How They Work.
Water is a wonderful way to turn heat energy into mechanical energy
because when you turn water into steam, it expands its volume 1,600 times.
If steam is not allowed to expand in volume, its pressure will go up
That's where all that piston-pushin power in a steam locomotive comes from.
Below: How a pebble bed steam boiler power plant is set up.
Compared to conventional nuclear, pebble nuclear silos would be considered

Pebble bed reactors are much better suited for "load following" than conventional reactors
and should approximate a coal boiler's load following abilities in a superheated steam
control for load following (not shown in this drawing) will come from a computer coordinated feedwater throttle valve, a variable-speed "reactor gas circulating blower", a variable steam generator (boiler)
gas bypass valve,
and some bypass piping to return the hot gas directly to the reactor.
Temperature and flow sensors to keep the computer and the operator informed of
how things are going are
also necessary. To
repeat, strange as it sounds,
running the hot gas directly back into the bed of pebbles and making them even
hotter causes pebbles to reduce their atomic activity. Doppler
Broadening (a nano-technology phenomenon if there ever was one) will make
pebbles go toward, but not quite to, zero atomic activity as they approach their "hot idling" temperature.
(A retrofit to an existing coal-fired plant might also show an economizer .)
Because pebbles are so hot, a gas - usually
helium, nitrogen, or carbon dioxide - is used to carry the pebble's heat to the power
plant's steam boiler. Water's supercritical temperature
- where it stops behaving like a vapor and begins behaving like a gas - is
around 700°F.
Inlet temperature of a pebble bed reactor is
about 950°F, and its outlet temperature is almost 1,700°F. That duplicates the 1,000°F superheated steam produced by coal
fire while running the pebbles in their
thermal "sweet spot."
Note: The pebble bed power plant shown in the
drawing is set up as a
conventional coal-fired superheated steam boiler power plant. 750°C
= 1382°F, 530°C = 986°F, 250°C = 482°F, 35°C = 95°F, 25°C = 77°F.
I suspect this drawing may have been inspired by
the now decommissioned German THTR-300 - a thorium-powered
pebble bed
nuclear reactor rated at 300 MW electric that actually powered the German grid
during the 80's.
BOILERS: Modular pebble bed reactors were
designed from the start to be inexpensively mass-produced in factories and
shipped in standard shipping containers. There could be a variety of
boiler types but current fossil-heated designs may be best for rapid power plant
conversion - since speed, rather than efficiency is the most important issue.
Boiler design will depend upon whether the boiler has reheat stages in addition
to the typical drum with superheater stages. A
supercritical pressurized water system, much like a conventional PWR reactor, but at
supercritical temperatures and pressures is also a possibility since we have
working temperatures as high as 1,700°F.

The German THTR-300 thorium pebble bed (above)
had a boiler (actually, a ring of small boilers) designed for steam but they
used helium pressurized to about 1,300 psi instead at low or no pressure to
carry the heat from the pebbles to the boiler. In a fossil-fuel burning
plant, these velocities are determined by the combined efforts of the forced
draft and the induced draft blowers. While boiler design and fabrication
is a routine heavy industry activity involving at least several months, the
first pebble bed heated supercritical water heater will likely take more design and fabrication time since doing
anything the first time takes longer.
IWGGCR-15: Technology of steam generators for
gas-cooled reactors.
Note: In the
past, some high temperature gas-cooled reactors have used multiple small
boilers arranged in a ring around the reactor vessel. This produces a very
large surface area for the volume that contains the heat exchanging surfaces.
I don't know what current thinking is on this design detail but, since the
amount of heat is large and supercritical water, rather than steam is
involved, I'm inclined to think that as there are efficiency constraints
(there's a lot of heat to be lost and we want it to run as cool as possible)
rather than size constraints, a large single unit might be the appropriate design starting
place for both ends of the hot water loop.
(Photograph of the interior of a pebble bed reactor
silo from a January, 2002, Scientific American magazine article by J. A. Lake,
et al.) Not unlike a huge charcoal grille with air blowing down through
it. Aerodynamically, pebbles behave somewhat like a sintered metal air
filter and have acceptably low drag.
REACTOR CONTAINMENT: For a power plant conversion, pebble bed
reactors should be
installed in individual underground silos instead of above ground. The
moisture in the earth provides a good radiation barrier along with being a good
heat sink, something pebble beds need. PBMR pebble bed reactors are 20
foot in diameter tubes, about 88 feet tall, made of thick, radiation-proof sheet metal,
capable of running at very high temperatures like a boiler, are hermetically sealed
in very heavily reinforced underground concrete silos. Since nothing
in direct contact with radioactive materials is under pressure, the traditional
concrete and steel steam explosion containment vessels
needed by conventional reactors are unnecessary, thereby providing a huge saving
in both cost and construction time.

Pebble beds do not have a fuel cycle as such. Pebbles are circulated through
the pebble bed reactor in much the same manner as a fluid. Each pebble
is checked individually for how strong it is and is removed and replaced when
too "tired". 10 to 15 trips through the reactor over a two to
three year time are
said to be typical. Additional "Moderating" pebbles containing only
graphite are also added to "dilute" the critical mass to fine-tune the reactor's
heat output and burnup rate.
Tired pebbles are removed pneumatically and
transported to a central storage area where they are kept spaced from each
other to keep a critical mass from forming and automatically packaged in
thermally insulated, radiation-proof casks for shipment to a recycling plant.
(Left) From MIT's pebble bed reactor web site.
Pneumatic pebble handling system that removes, measures for remaining
energy, and then either returns a useable, removes a spent pebble or removes
fragments of a broken pebble. A broken pebble was a problem in the
1980's-era German THTR-300 pebble bed reactor.
As with conventional fission nuclear fuel, only
about 5% of a pebble's atomic energy is actually consumed during a power run, so pebbles will have
to be crushed to powder like quarry rocks and recycled for their remaining energy as is done world-wide with conventional nuclear waste.
High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors - In Greater Depth
(From Uranium Information Centre at:
These reactors use helium as a coolant which at up to 950°C drives a gas
turbine for electricity and a compressor to return the gas to the reactor core.
Fuel is in the form of TRISO particles less than a millimetre in diameter. Each
has a kernel of uranium oxycarbide, with the uranium enriched up to 17% U-235.
This is surrounded by layers of carbon and silicon carbide, giving a containment
for fission products which is stable to 1600°C or more. These particles may be
arranged: in blocks - hexagonal 'prisms' of graphite, or in billiard ball-sized
pebbles of graphite encased in silicon carbide.
South Africa's Pebble Bed Modular Reactor
(PBMR) is being developed by a consortium led by the utility Eskom, and drawing
on German expertise. It aims for a step change in safety, economics and
proliferation resistance. Production units will be 165 MWe. They will have a
direct-cycle gas turbine generator and thermal efficiency about 42%. Up to
450,000 fuel pebbles recycle through the reactor continuously (about six times
each) until they are expended, giving an average enrichment in the fuel load of
4-5% and average burn-up of 90 GWday/t U (eventual target burn-ups are 200 GWd/t).
This means on-line refueling as expended pebbles are replaced, giving high
capacity factor. The pressure vessel is lined with graphite and there is a
central column of graphite as reflector. Control rods are in the side reflectors
and cold shutdown units in the centre column.
Performance includes great flexibility in loads (40-100%), with rapid change
in power settings. Power density in the core is about one tenth of that in light
water reactor, and if coolant circulation ceases the fuel will survive initial
high temperatures while the reactor shuts itself down - giving inherent safety.
Each unit will finally discharge about 19 tonnes/yr of spent pebbles to
ventilated on-site storage bins.
Overnight construction cost (when in clusters of eight units) is expected to
be US$ 1000/kW and generating cost below 3 US cents/kWh. Investors in the PBMR
project are Eskom, the South African Industrial Development Corporation and
Westinghouse. A demonstration plant is due to be built in 2007 for commercial
operation in 2010.
A larger US design, the Gas Turbine -
Modular Helium Reactor (GT-MHR), will be built as modules of 285 MWe
each directly driving a gas turbine at 48% thermal efficiency. The cylindrical
core consists of 102 hexagonal fuel element columns of graphite blocks with
channels for helium and control rods. Graphite reflector blocks are both inside
and around the core. Half the core is replaced every 18 months. Burn-up is about
100,000 MWd/t. It is being developed by General Atomics in partnership with
Russia's Minatom, supported by Fuji (Japan). Initially it will be used to burn
pure ex-weapons plutonium at Tomsk in Russia. The preliminary design stage was
completed in 2001.
HTRs can potentially use thorium-based fuels, such as HEU with Th, U-233 with
Th, and Pu with Th. Most of the experience with
thorium fuels has been in HTRs.
High-temperature Gas-cooled reactors --
(Second article from the Uranium Information
Building on the experience of several innovative reactors built in the 1960s and
1970s, new high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTRs) are being developed which
will be capable of delivering high-temperature (up to 950°C) helium either for
industrial application via heat exchanger or directly to drive gas turbines for
electricity (the Brayton cycle) with almost 50% thermal efficiency possible
(efficiency increases 1.5% with each 50⪚C increment). Technology developed in
the last decade makes HTRs more practical than in the past, though the direct
cycle means that there must be high integrity of fuel and reactor components.
Between 1966 and 1988, the AVR experimental pebble bed
reactor at Juelich, Germany, operated for over 750 weeks at 15 MWe, most
of the time with thorium-based fuel. The fuel consisted of about 100,000
billiard ball-sized fuel elements. The thorium was mixed with
high-enriched uranium (HEU). Maximum burnups of 150 GWd/t were achieved.
It was used to demonstrate the inherent safety of the design due to
negative temperature coefficient: the helium coolant flow was cut off
and the reactor power fell rapidly.
The 300 MWe THTR reactor in Germany was developed from the AVR
and operated between 1983 and 1989 with 674,000 pebbles, over half
containing Th/HEU fuel (the rest graphite moderator and some neutron
absorbers). These were continuously recycled and on average the fuel
passed six times through the core. Fuel fabrication was on an industrial
scale. Several design features made the AVR unsuccessful, though the
basic concept was again proven. It drove a steam turbine.
An 80 MWe HTR-modul was then designed by Siemens as a modular
unit to be constructed in pairs. It was licensed in 1989, but was not
constructed. This design was part of the technology bought by Eskom in
1996 and is a direct antecedent of PBMR.
During 1970s and 1980s Nukem manufactured more than 250,000 fuel
elements for the AVR and more than one million for the THTR. In 2007
Nukem reported that it had recovered the expertise for this and was
making it available as industry support. |
Fuel for these reactors is in the form of TRISO particles less than a
millimetre in diameter. Each has a kernel (c0.5 mm) of uranium oxycarbide, with
the uranium enriched up to 20% U-235, though normally less. This is surrounded
by layers of carbon and silicon carbide, giving a containment for fission
products which is stable to 1600°C or more. With negative temperature
coefficient of reactivity (the fission reaction slows as temperature increases)
and passive decay heat removal, this makes the reactors inherently safe. They do
not require any containment building for safety.
The reactors are sufficiently small to allow factory fabrication, and will
usually be installed below ground level.
There are two ways in which these particles are arranged: in blocks -
hexagonal 'prisms' of graphite, or in billiard ball-sized pebbles of graphite
encased in silicon carbide, each with about 15,000 fuel particles and 9g
uranium. There is a greater amount of spent fuel than from the same capacity in
a light water reactor. The moderator is graphite.
The Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute's (JAERI) High-Temperature Test
Reactor (HTTR) of 30 MW thermal started up at the end of 1998 and has been
run successfully at 850°C. In 2004 it achieved 950°C outlet temperature. Its
fuel is in 'prisms' and its main purpose is to develop thermochemical means of
producing hydrogen from water.
Based on the HTTR, JAERI is developing the Gas Turbine High Temperature
Reactor (GTHTR) of up to 600 MW thermal per module. It uses improved HTTR
fuel elements with 14% enriched uranium achieving high burn-up (112 GWd/t).
Helium at 850°C drives a horizontal turbine at 47% efficiency to produce up to
300 MWe. The core consists of 90 hexagonal fuel columns 8 meters high arranged
in a ring, with reflectors. Each column consists of eight one-meter high
elements 0.4 m across and holding 57 fuel pins made up of fuel particles with
0.55 mm diameter kernels and 0.14 mm buffer layer. In each 2-yearly refueling,
alternate layers of elements are replaced so that each remains for 4 years.
On the basis of four modules per plant, capital cost is projected at US$
1300-1700/kWe and power cost about US 3.4 c/kWh.
China's HTR-10, a small high-temperature pebble-bed gas-cooled
experimental reactor at the Institute of Nuclear & New Energy Technology (INET)
at Tsinghua University north of Beijing started up in 2000 and reached full
power in 2003. It has its fuel as a 'pebble bed' (27,000 elements) of oxide fuel
with average burnup of 80 GWday/t U. Each pebble fuel element has 5g of uranium
enriched to 17% in around 8300 particles. The reactor operates at 700°C
(potentially 900°C) and has broad research purposes. Eventually it will be
coupled to a gas turbine, but meanwhile it has been driving a steam turbine.
Construction of a larger version, the 200 MWe (450 MWt) HTR-PM, was
approved in November 2005, with construction starting in 2009. This will have
two reactor modules, each of 250 MWt, using 9% enriched fuel (520,000 elements)
in an annular core giving 80 GWd/t discharge burnup. With an outlet temperature
of 750°C it will drive a steam cycle turbine. This Shidaowan demonstration
reactor at Rongcheng in Shandong province is to pave the way for an 18-module
full-scale power plant possibly at Weihei, also using the steam cycle. Plant
life is envisaged as 60 years with 85% load factor.
China Huaneng Group, one of China's major generators, is the lead
organization involved in the demonstration unit with 47.5% share; China Nuclear
Engineering & Construction will have a 32.5% stake and Tsinghua University's
INET 20% - it being the main R&D contributor. . Projected cost is US$ 385
million (but later units falling to US$1500/kW with generating cost about
5c/kWh). Start-up is scheduled for 2013. The HTR-PM rationale is both eventually
to replace conventional reactor technology for power, and also to provide for
future hydrogen production. In 2004 the small HTR-10 reactor was subject to an
extreme test of its safety when the helium circulator was deliberately shut off
without the reactor being shut down. The temperature increased steadily, but the
physics of the fuel meant that the reaction progressively diminished and
eventually died away over three hours. At this stage a balance between decay
heat in the core and heat dissipation through the steel reactor wall was
achieved and the temperature never exceeded a safe 1600°C. This was one of six
safety demonstration tests conducted then. The high surface area relative to
volume, and the low power density in the core, will also be features of the
full-scale units (which are nevertheless much smaller than most light-water
South Africa's Pebble Bed Modular Reactor
(PBMR) is being developed by a consortium led by the utility Eskom, and
drawing on German expertise. It aims for a step change in safety, economics and
proliferation resistance. Production units will be 165 MWe. The PBMR will have a
direct-cycle gas turbine generator and thermal efficiency about 41%, the helium
coolant leaving the bottom of the core at about 900°C. Up to 450,000 fuel
pebbles 60 mm diameter and containing 9g uranium enriched to 10% U-235 recycle
through the reactor continuously (about six times each, taking six months) until
they are expended, giving an average enrichment in the fuel load of 5% and
average burn-up of 80 GWday/t U (eventual target burn-ups are 200 GWd/t). This
means on-line refueling as expended pebbles (which have yielded up to 91 GWd/t)
are replaced, giving high capacity factor. The reactor core is lined with
graphite and there is a central column of graphite as reflector. Control rods
are in the side reflectors and cold shutdown units in the centre column.
Performance includes great flexibility in loads (40-100%) without loss of
thermal efficiency, and with rapid change in power settings. Power density in
the core is about one tenth of that in light water reactor, and if coolant
circulation ceases the fuel will survive initial high temperatures while the
reactor shuts itself down - giving inherent safety. Power control is by varying
the coolant pressure and hence flow. Each unit will finally discharge about 35
tonnes/yr of spent pebbles to ventilated on-site storage bins.
The PBMR Demonstration Power Plant (DPP) is expected to start construction at
Koeberg in 2009 and achieve criticality in 2013. Eventual construction cost
(when in clusters of four or eight units) is expected to be very competitive.
Investors in the PBMR project are Eskom, the South African Industrial
Development Corporation and Westinghouse. The first commercial units are
expected on line soon after the DPP and Eskom has said it expects to order 24,
which justify fully commercial fuel supply and maintenance. A contract for the
pebble fuel plant at Pelindaba has been let.
Each 210g fuel pebble contains about 9g Uranium and the total uranium in one fuel
load is 4.1 t. Uranium/Plutonium Mixed Oxide (MOX} and thorium fuels are envisaged. With used fuel, the pebbles
can be crushed and the 4% of their volume which is microspheres removed,
allowing the graphite to be recycled. The company says microbial removal of C-14
is possible (also in the graphite reflectors when decommissioning).
In 2006 the PBMR Board formalized the concept of a higher-temperature PBMR
Process Heat Plant (PHP) with reactor output temperature of 950°C. The first
plants are envisaged for 2016 and the applications will be oil sands production,
petrochemical industry (process steam), steam methane reforming for hydrogen and
eventually thermochemical hydrogen production. This design will be submitted to
US Department of Energy as a candidate Next-Generation Nuclear Plant.
A design certification application to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission is
expected in 2008, with approval expected in 2012, opening up world markets.
A larger US design, the Modular
Helium Reactor (MHR, formerly the GT-MHR), will be built as modules of
up to 600 MWt. In its electrical application each would directly drive a gas
turbine at 47% thermal efficiency, giving 280 MWe. It can also be used for
hydrogen production (100,000 t/yr claimed) and other high temperature process
heat applications. The annular core consists of 102 hexagonal fuel element
columns of graphite blocks with channels for helium coolant and control rods.
Graphite reflector blocks are both inside and around the core. Half the core is
replaced every 18 months. Burn-up is up to 220 GWd/t, and coolant outlet
temperature is 850°C with a target of 1000°C.
The MHR is being developed by General Atomics in partnership with Russia's
OKBM, supported by Fuji (Japan) and Areva NP. Initially it will be used to burn
pure ex-weapons plutonium at Seversk (Tomsk) in Russia. A burnable poison such
as Er-167 is needed for this fuel. The preliminary design stage was completed in
2001, but the program to construct a prototype in Russia seems to have
languished since. Areva is working separately on a version of this called
The development timeline is for a prototype to be constructed in Russia
2006-09 following regulatory review there.
A smaller version of this, the Remote-Site Modular Helium Reactor
(RS-MHR) of 10-25 MWe has been proposed by General Atomics. The fuel would be
20% enriched and refuelling interval would be 6-8 years.
A third full-size HTR design is Areva's Very High Temperature Reactor
(VHTR) being put forward by Areva NP. It is based on the MHR and has also
involved Fuji. Reference design is 600 MW (thermal) with prismatic block fuel
like the MHR. Target core outlet temperature is 1000°C and it uses and indirect
cycle, possibly with a helium-nitrogen mix in the secondary system. This removes
the possibility of contaminating the generation or hydrogen production plant
with radionuclides from the reactor core.
HTRs can potentially use thorium-based fuels, such as HEU or LEU with Th,
U-233 with Th, and Pu with Th. Most of the experience with
thorium fuels has been in HTRs.
General Atomics say that the MHR has a neutron spectrum is such and the TRISO
fuel so stable that the reactor can be powered fully with separated transuranic
wastes (neptunium, plutonium, americium and curium) from light water reactor
used fuel. The fertile actinides enable reactivity control and very high burn-up
can be achieved with it - over 500 GWd/t - the Deep Burn concept and hence
DB-MHR design. Over 95% of the Pu-239 and 60% of other actinides are destroyed
in a single pass.
The three larger HTR designs, with the AHTR described below, are contenders
for the US Next-Generation Nuclear Plant.
A small US HTR concept is the Adams Atomic Engines 10 MWe direct
simple cycle plant with nitrogen as the reactor coolant and working fluid. The
reactor core will be a fixed, annular bed with about 80,000 fuel elements each 6
cm diameter and containing approximately 9 grams of heavy metal with expected
average burn-up of 80 GWd/t. The initial units will provide a reactor core
outlet temperature of 800?C and a thermal efficiency near 25%. A demonstration
plant is proposed for completion by 2011 with series production by 2014.
of High Temperature Gas Reactor Technical Documents
A master listing of HTGR technical documents if there ever
was one: The International Atomic
Energy Agency HTGR Knowledge Base
IWGGCR-15: Technology of steam generators for
gas-cooled reactors. Nuclear Energy
Institute's "Gas-Cooled, "Passive." Small: Pebble-Bed Modular Reactor web
MIT's Pebble Bed Reactor web site. Andrew C. Kadak, PhD.,
and a team of nuclear specialists.
Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology,
Tsinghua University. China's pebble bed. High Temperature
Reactor Technology Network. Pebble Bed Modular Reactor
Pty. - Home Page
General Atomics' GT-MHR web site.
Uranium Information Center document on thorium. THTR
Additional Pebble Bed web sites in this document at:
Links to Pebble Bed Reactor
Web Sites
Pebble's Trouble Spots:
If you do nothing else, check out the history of
the Fort St Vrain prismatic high temperature reactor:
Fort St
This was a late 1960s HTGR, not a modern
Doppler Broadening pebble bed reactor. It was, however, a U/Th, 900 psia helium, HTGR designed to be a
producer of 350mWt of 1,000°F, 2,600 psi superheated steam
- temperatures and pressures typical for a modern coal-fired power plant and well above those of
even today's conventional
nuclear power station reactor.
I think a big area for unanticipated
trouble will be the helium heat exchangers. Both the 1969 General
Atomics' Fort St Vrain fuel block rod reactor and the 1983 German THTR-300
pebble bed reactors had problems in this area. Ft St Vrain had repeated
leaks of steam into the helium, the THTR-300 had multiple re-designs of the
steam generators. A position can be made that reliability takes precedence
over thermal efficiency, cost, size, materials type, bearing and welding
technology, or anything else. A close look needs to be given to any
General Atomics and Hochtemperatur-Reaktorbau GmbH engineering reports that may
still exist to learn exactly what problems they encountered. My
work-around at the moment is the lead-tub double calandria heat exchanger to
isolate the two pressurized fluids from each other. A leak will exit the
melted lead which is at atmospheric pressure. Wouldn't want to be standing
near one of those calandrias when that happens. A vented lid for safety?
The supercritical water heated steam generators
are very close in concept to the five hundred or so already made for the world's
civilian and military
water reactor (PWR) nuclear power plants.
About 2/3rds of the world's conventional reactors are PWRs.
Because it is in a coal power plant, it is of higher temperature and pressure
than any of them but not beyond the typical
"Benson Boiler" ranges. A plus is that since the steam
generators are located away from the reactor there is more elbow room,
permitting a less dense design.
Helium atoms are almost the smallest, thus very difficult
to seal, with increasing pressure and temperature making things worse. All
the helium circulating blowers I know of are hermetically sealed like a
refrigerator compressor. The British used
CO2 at about 300 psi on their
MAGNOX reactors and
Rod Adams
is suggesting nitrogen at less than 200 psi.
Xenon, an inert gas, is produced
during normal reactor operation by
splitting uranium or plutonium atoms. It has 9 stable and 40 unstable
isotopes. Its many medical and industrial uses make it valuable, its
scarcity makes it expensive.
has a half-life of 9.1 hours and is a
powerful absorber of neutrons so its
presence in a reactor is an operating issue a reactor operator must always take into
account when changing a reactor's power output. In the past, American-made
pebbles leaked as much as 1,000 times more xenon into the surrounding helium as German pebbles. Xenon
If any of you knowledgeable old-timers would like to
add your knowledge, please do. International
Atomic Energy Agency HTGR Technical Knowledge Base U.S.
NRC: Design Certification Pre-Application Review - PBMR