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Boilers Cause 2/3 of ALL Global Warming

Boilers and Furnaces -
The Machines That Make Over 60% of ALL Global Warming

Global Warming causes climates to change.  So the author will continue to use the term "Global Warming" even though the United Nations calls their organization for ending "Global Warming" the "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change."

How much will this contribute to ending Global Warming emissions?  Electricity is the key to solving climate challenge .pdf

                                                      Contents of this page

Global Warming's boiler roots.

The diagram below shows the world's carbon flows into and out of the atmosphere as carbon dioxide in metric billions of tonnes (a tonne is 1,000 kilograms or 2,200 pounds).  As you can see, vegetation on land and the ocean's water naturally remove some of the carbon dioxide.  As you can also see, man's ability to add carbon dioxide to the air is overwhelming nature's ability to remove it, leaving an accumulating excess in the air of about 12 billion tonnes per year.  It is estimated that since man first began to overwhelm nature's ability to remove all of man's CO2 from the air about 1 trillion tonnes of extra CO2 have accumulated. 

The stacked bar chart on the right shows man's major CO2 sources (the fossil fuels) and how nature is dealing with it (CO2 sinks).  The author got the coal, natural gas, and oil CO2 source amounts from the gray CO2 waste bins on this IPCC diagram   pdf   United States only pdf   Deforestation by subtracting fossil fuels.









How CO2 changes the air: 

The upper curve (below left) shows what adding increasing amounts of CO2 to the air does to the air's ability to allow heat to pass through it.  "Radiative Heat Flux, in Watts per square meter" think of a heat lamp (the sun) shining on a area about the size of a card table on spherical Planet Earth.  Planet Earth's surface has about 510 trillion square meters.  With no CO2 in the air, 250 watts of heat will pass from the earth's surface into the extreme cold of space, thereby cooling Planet Earth.  It is thought that with no CO2 at all in the atmosphere, Planet Earth's average temperature would be about zero degrees Fahrenheit.  

With a CO2 concentration of about 300 parts per million, the air acts like a thicker blanket, allowing only about 230 watts of heat to pass through and Planet Earth's average temperature is just right for growing lots of food and living a good life.  As you can see from the CO2 chart made by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, we are now approaching about 400 parts of CO2 per million parts of air and the air is now holding in a spherical average of about two more watts of heat per square meter than it did before Global Warming began.  That averages out to Planet Earth retaining about 1 quadrillion (1015) additional watts of thermal energy.   (2 watts * 510 trillion square meters - i.e., going from about 230 watts to 228 watts of heat transmission [flux] on the diagram) 

Since 1 watt-hour = 3.4 BTU, Planet Earth is holding in an extra 81 quadrillion BTUs per day or 29,784 quadrillion BTUs per year.  For perspective, the yellow/red bar chart about U.S. energy consumption says the U.S. is using about 95 quadrillion BTUs per year.  The U.S. uses about 1/4 of the world's fossil fuel energy.  It is generally agreed upon that a doubling of CO2 concentration in the air will cause a 5.4 degree Fahrenheit increase in Planet Earth's temperature. 

(Left) What trace amounts of Carbon Dioxide does to air:









(Above) Coal, the first fossil fuel, came into common use about 1750.  As use increased, the concentration of carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuel increased.  Oil came into common use about 1900, further increasing the speed at which carbon dioxide accumulated in the air.  Natural Gas has recently become popular as a source of heat, accelerating Global Warming even more.






(Right) The folks at are promising we can get below 350 ppm. 


They don't have a clue beyond swapping light bulbs. 

Most experts are saying we'll be at 550 ppm by 2050.


The effects of Global Warming:

This web article is a good place to get a quick overview of the generally agreed-upon effects of Global Warming.


We will never stop Global Warming because there are over a trillion tons of excess man-made CO2 in the air already and mankind will never stop burning fossil fuels completely. 

Even if we could end all Global Warming fires tomorrow, the effects of Global Warming would hang around for hundreds of years because, as the "Sources and Sinks" chart shows, nature can remove only about 10 billion tons of excess CO2 per year and stash it away in the ground.

(Right) IPCC diagram showing what would happen if we could reduce Global Warming by various amounts.  "1.0" represents where we are today.  Notice you have to end about 75% of Global Warming just to "Flat Line." 

Notice also Global Warming is now increasing much more rapidly because, in part, the world stopped building nuclear power plants in the late 1980s and began building extremely large coal burning power plants instead.
(Diagram from IPCC "Q&A" web site.)

The best we can do is to take a big a bite out of Global Warming to blunt its effects.



Blunting Global Warming.

Where most Global Warming is coming from.

Boiler-driven machines make 2/3 of ALL Global Warming










The "CO2 Sources and Sinks" diagram from the "Global Warming Today" page is repeated here with another diagram that shows the "Sources" matched up with the "Fossil Fuel Emitter" machines that make and emit the CO2

Most of coal, natural gas, and a little oil is used to heat boilers. 

Most of oil is used to power vehicles with a little being used as feedstock for plastics and fertilizers. 

Deforestation is associated with wood harvesting and "slash and burn" agriculture.

The important thing to notice is that much of fossil fuel boiler heating is for making electricity..

Fossil fuel boilers can be replaced by nuclear fuel boilers of about the same physical size.  And, since nuclear heat is 1/3 to 1/20th as expensive as fossil heat, nuclear heat as a general source of heat may prove to be far less expensive in the long run.


Where does most Global Warming come from?

Is the Largest Source of Global Warming.
2/3 of all Global Warming is made in boilers, most Global Warming CO2 happens in boilers

Only by ending fossil fuel boilers can we possibly end Global Warming.

Where are we burning most of our fossil fuels?  We are burning 2/3 of our fossil fuels in boilers.

What fossil fuels are we burning in our boilers?  Almost all Coal and Natural Gas.

Note: On the left, a unit of heat, the BTU is used.  BTU stands for British Thermal Unit - about the amount of heat you get by burning a wood match completely - a BTU is precisely defined as the amount of heat needed to raise a pound of water one degree Fahrenheit.   On the right, a unit of weight, the Metric Ton is used.  A Metric Ton is 1,000 kilograms or 2,200 pounds. 

In the diagram below you can see how much heat is being used various sectors of the United States' population and, on the right, the carbon dioxide emissions that result from that use.

What this shows is that all U.S. boilers combined make about TWICE the CO2 as all U.S. vehicles combined.

                                                                                                    Transportation  =  1,851
Electricity Generation =  2,147  (Does not include hydro and renewables)
Industrial, commercial boilers, hot water heaters, furnaces combined =  1,407            

All Boilers = 2,147 + 1,407 = 3,554


What can we do about fossil fuel boilers?

Coal and natural gas boilers can be repowered with nuclear boilers.

The boilers that are making 2/3 of Global Warming's CO2 are STATIONARY coal and natural gas burning boilers.

STATIONARY coal and natural gas burning boilers can be replaced with STATIONARY nuclear boilers.

(Right) North American stationary sources of CO2.

Notice all the different kinds of stationary CO2 sources. 

Most of these stationary CO2 sources can be repowered with the new small nuclear boilers.  Hyperion, Toshiba, and NuScale's products come to mind.


This is the turf where the struggle for ending fossil fuels forever will occur.


EPA GHG Thresholds .pdf








Fossil Fuel Boiler Awareness
Most coal and natural gas is burned in boilers so most Global Warming could be considered to be happening in boilers.

Hidden away, largely forgotten, all over the world, perhaps a billion huge-to-tiny boilers, hot water heaters and furnaces are silently making most of the Global Warming CO2 that's overwhelming Nature.  All day, every day. 


Click on pictures for larger images.

230 feet high, open-air for cooling, a pair of Babcock & Wilcox supersized coal burning power plant boilers. - Photo: B&W Brochure


Boiler awareness:   Boilers Produce over half of all Global Warming

      7,000 Supersized Coal Burning Boilers in 1,200 supersize power plants are making about 30% of Global Warming's CO
  150,000 Conventional Sized Coal Burning Power Plant Boilers make about 7% of Global Warming's CO2
50,000 Natural Gas Burning Electricity Turbines make about 4% of Global Warming's CO2 
 1 Million
Large Industrial and Commercial Natural Gas Boilers make about 4% of Global Warming's CO2
 1 Billion Small Commercial Gas Boilers, residential hot water heaters, and furnaces make about 4% of Global Warming's CO2
Ocean-going ships, which could be nuclear powered, make about 4% of Global Warming CO
2.   Concrete production, which could be nuclear fired, about 3%.

There are currently around 16,000 registered vessels in the world with output above 10 MW of power. The entire global commercial shipping fleet is considered to account for between 4-5% of global carbon emissions.

EPA: The United States has 200,000 industrial boilers, heaters and incinerators. (US has about 20% of the world's boiler and heater infrastructure.)

1. Boiler population numbers are 2005 world-wide counts or estimates.
2. The advanced nuclear boiler that can replace supersized coal boilers - the ORNL-TM-1060.

(Right) Classic American natural gas burning 800 horsepower industrial boiler.  Click on image to see a cutaway of this boiler - which is the same concept as a classic steam locomotive fire-tube boiler. 
- - Hurst Boiler & Welding     Hurst boiler brochure .pdf 


 (Above) a typical building complex boiler house.  Click on images for larger view. 



Appended Earlier Web Page

CHEAPER GASOLINE                                           Thorium Electricity

2% of the World's Power Plants Produce 30% of ALL Global Warming

The world's 1,200 power plants that will make or break the Global Warming struggle
About half are in developing countries.

The world's 7,000 largest coal burning boilers.  7,000 coal-to-nuclear conversion opportunities.

Part  1    Supersized.  A supersized problem.  Super easy to fix.  16 times larger than average coal power plants.
Part  2    66 different countries have these supersized coal burning power plants.  Who has how many?


Data from CARMA   ( )

I would not have been able to identify the world's 1,200 largest fossil fuel power plants if had not made their database available to energy researchers like myself.  A heartfelt thanks to CARMA and all the other environmental and nuclear web sites that made this web site possible. 


Supersized COAL BURNING power plants are the low hanging fruit.

Just like our winning "Island Hopping" strategy during WWII, Global Warming fighters can skip over most of the world's 60,000 power plants and focus on only the 1,200 bulk CO2 producers.


Low hanging fruit:  Repowering ONLY the world's LARGEST coal burning power plants.

There are over 1,000 supersized coal burning power plants in 66 different countries not under the United States' Nuclear Regulatory Commission's jurisdiction (they are under the International Atomic Energy Agency rules - ) so we don't have to wait for anything to begin ending big chunks of Global Warming now.

Our Global Warming break:  Out of the world's 60,000 power plants, the author discovered that 1,200 largest make 30% of all Global Warming or 75% of all coal's CO2 - a bizarre statistical anomaly.  Also, it so happens these power plants can be converted from coal to nuclear simply by adding a commercially available Russian nuclear reactor.  See above.  (After a year, the author still finds this counterintuitive.  It would be good if someone else would confirm or disprove this finding.)

Part  1:  Connecting the CO2 dots.  A supersized problem.  16 times larger than average coal power plants, making 30% of all Global Warming.

Connecting the CO2 dots, discovering supersized power plants.

Supersizers are now making 30% of all Global Warming.

At a supersize power plant.    Coal: The big challenge for US CO2 emissions 
November 3, 2009 1:08pm
by Sheila McNulty - - From Financial Times Article.

"At NRG Energy’s coal-fired electricity plant in Thompsons, Texas, a train from the Powder River Basin coal mines of Wyoming pulls in after a five-day trip from Wyoming, loaded with more than 16,000 tons of coal. It takes eight hours to unload the 130-car train, and then the next train pulls in.

This plant burns 35,000 tons of coal on a hot day to provide electricity to cool area homes. And bulldozers must constantly shift the coal stockpiled in a giant mound under the hot, noonday sun to prevent spontaneous combustion as it awaits its turn in the power plant's boiler furnace. Yet burning the coal to make electricity, transporting it 1,500 miles to the power plant and keeping it cool emits enormous amounts of carbon dioxide.

The US government estimates CO2 emissions from coal-fired electricity generation comprise nearly 80 per cent of total CO2 emissions produced by the generation of electricity in the US. Sixty to 80 per cent of coal is, in fact, carbon, making it an extremely carbon-intense fossil fuel. The Environmental Protection Agency has estimated the average US coal plant emits 5 million tons of CO2 each year. And there are 600 coal-fired electricity plants across the country."

Where you can find out about the world's power plants and the Global Warming they make.

The world's power plant population count is 150,000 generating units at 65,000 power plant sites in 225+ countries.  (Platts, below.)  About 30,000 are fossil fuel.
Platts gives many technical and administrative details about the world's power plants but does not provide Global Warming emissions information.

  Data from CARMA   ( )

CARMA asked their logo and link be inserted, something I'm delighted to do.


Connecting the Global Warming dots. 

Dots connected

Zeroing in on the world's "supersized" boiler population.

How does the author know there are 1,200 power plants in the world that are making almost 30% of ALL Global Warming? 

Data from CARMA   ( )

CARMA asked their logo and link be inserted, something I'm delighted to do.

The web site, CARMA, offers an on-line a database providing Global Warming emissions information about the world's power plants.  Offered as a means of enabling people to check on the CO2 emissions of their local power plants, the author used Microsoft's "Excel" to sort and plot all the world's power plants by their CO2 emissions.  

The Excel plot of the world's largest 32,000 power plants [Excel can only plot 32,000 data entries at a time] is at right with the red line being power plants sorted by annual CO2 emissions.  The author expected a normal CO2 emission distribution - values clustered toward the black line instead of the red line being crammed against the x and y axes.

The Results:  

Instead, the world's power plant population (plot right) is an extreme example of the Pareto statistical principle  (Teaching example: 20% of the population own 80% of the land.)    (More:) 

This is extreme beyond even normal distributions that include a few giants.  In oil, for example, out of the world's 500 major oil fields, the top 20 fields (4%) produce only 25% of the world's total. 

Of these power plants, The CARMA database indicated that 1,200 power plant sites are emitting about 3/4 of coal's Global Warming CO2.  A power plant typically has 4 generating units with the largest having perhaps 8 units.  This means fewer than 5,000 of the world's perhaps 100,000 fossil fuel generating units are causing about 3/4 of coal's CO2

Looking at CARMA's data in more detail we find that only about half of the 150,000 generating units are emitting carbon dioxide.  The other half are small hydro and wind generators which tend to be small, 1 megaWatt or so, and produce no Global Warming CO2, while a few of the CO2 emitters tend to be extremely large coal burners, some as large as 750 megaWatts. 


In fact, just the world's 50 largest power plants make almost 10% of ALL of coal's Global Warming CO2.

Knowing that the IPCC AR4 report attributed 11.7 billion short tons of CO2 to coal, and that CARMA attributed 11.4 billion short tons of CO2 to the world's 60,000 power plants, (most fossil fuel power plants burn coal), a check was made on how many power plants contributed 75% (8.6 billion short tons) of coal's 11.4 billion short tons of CO2.

That surprisingly small number was close to 1,200 or just 2% of the world's entire 60,000 power plant population. 

Since IPCC AR4 states that 2007 Global Warming CO2 was 13.2 billion short tons, the top 1,200 emitters, according to CARMA, produced 8.6 billion short tons of CO2, or slightly over 3/4 of coal's Global Warming CO2. 

                                            Who Are The World's "Dirty Dozen" Power Plants?

                                     Top-12 Highest CO2-Emitting Power Plants Worldwide

                                                   Plant                      City                        Country            Annual Tons of CO2
  1   TAICHUNG   Lung-Ching Township Taiwan (China)    41,300,000
                                         2   PORYONG   Poryong-gun South Korea                           37,800,000
                                         3   CASTLE PEAK   Tuen Mun NT China                               35,800,000
                                         4   REFTINSKAYA   SDPP Reftinsky Russia                        33,000,000
                                         5   TUOKETUO-1   Tuoketuo County China                         32,400,000
                                         6   MAILIAO FP   Mailiao Taiwan (China)                                32,400,000
                                         7   VINDHYACHAL   Sidhi Dist India                                       29,000,000
                                         8   HEKINAN Hekinan   Japan                                                  28,900,000
                                         9   KENDAL Witbank   South Africa                                        28,600,000
                                       10  JANSCHWALDE   Peitz Germany                                       27,400,000
                                       11  SURALAYA   Serang - Merak Indonesia                            27,200,000
                                       12  TANGJIN   Tangjin-kun South Korea                                 26,900,000

                                       Total                                                                                                380,700,000 tons CO2    Every year.

The sub-supersized power plants are almost innocent bystanders.

It's not that much more work to clean up a big CO2 producing power plant than it is to clean up a small, CO2-meaningless power plant. 

Why aren't we just cleaning up power plants instead of fooling around with windmills, solar cells, and all this international governmental posturing about who's Cleaner and Greener?


How much are the 1,200 supersizers contributing to Global Warming?

Easy kills.  The few big ones.  The diagram to the right (not to exact scale) has a repeat of the above CO2 sources (left bar) alongside the various stationary fossil fuel burners that are emitting CO2 (right bar).  The positions of the different colored CO2 emitting fossil fuel burners line up approximately with the particular fossil fuel they are burning.  This shows that all coal, natural gas and some oil burning boilers could be replaced with small nuclear boilers. 

BOTTOM LINE: Compare the left and right diagrams.  The power plants have been broken into three groups: 1,200 supersized, 3,800 next largest fossil power plants, the remaining 25,000 smallest fossil plants.

Bright red depicts the 1,200 supersized coal power plants that are making 8.6 billions tons of CO2 or almost 30% of ALL Global Warming.

These supersized, mostly coal burning, power plants were built to compete with the supersized nuclear power plants that were not built when the environmentalists - led by GreenPeace and Sierra Club - managed to persuade the world in the 70s that coal was a better energy choice than nuclear.


So there you have it.  The 2% we must repower to take the biggest possible big bite out of Global Warming.  


Sizing up supersized coal burning power plants

The world began to move toward a Global Warming-free future when the world began to build supersized nuclear electricity power plants.  Tragically, anti-nuclear environmentalist organizations such as Sierra Club persuaded the world to build supersized coal-burning power plants instead.  Supersized coal-burning power plants, now producing 3/4 of coal's CO2 in our air, led to much greater production of Global Warming CO2 than was necessary, exacerbating the Climate Change emergency now overwhelming us. 

Just as these power plants supersized Global Warming, repowering them with next-generation nuclear boilers will supersize our impact on Global Warming.  Replacing a coal burning boiler with a nuclear boiler stops coal burning immediately - at 10% to 20% the cost and time of building new.

16 Times Larger:   Describing the 1,200 Supersize Power Plants by their CO2 Emissions.


(Right)  The 1,200 supersized power plants compared with regular sized power plants.  2% of the world's 65,000 power plants are making over 3/4 of coal's Global Warming.

                                                        Largest              Average             Smallest
Supersize power plant CO2:       41,000,000 tons,   7,200,000 tons,   2,600,000 tons.
Regular Size power plant CO
2:     2,600,000 tons,      440,000 tons,       25,000 tons.

The average supersized coal burning power plant produces 7.2 million tons of CO2 per year.

The average regular sized coal burning power plant produces 440 thousand tons of CO2 per year.

The average supersized is 16 times larger than the average regular sized power plant.

Cost to nuke isn't much larger for a supersized power plant than a regular sized plant.

From the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) point of view, small size reactors are defined as < 300 MWe and medium size reactors are defined as being between 300 MWe and 700 MWe. 


A Supersized Power Plant Unit's Relative Electrical (megaWatt) Size.

(Right) How fossil fuel power plant sizes chased nuclear power plant sizes.  How the coal-to-gas mix has changed.

The Energy Information Agency of the United States Department of Energy maintains a wealth of on-line databases.  (Below Right)  United States electricity generators powered by all forms of energy - color-coded to break them out by general fuel types.

EIA historical data on about 18,000 U.S. generators to 1/10 megaWatt resolution.  1 megaWatt is about 1,340 horsepower.

The red dots were drawn first, then light green, then light blue, and then finally dark blue.  There are thousands of red dots hidden under the green and light blue dots at the diagram's bottom.

A power plant typically has four generating units.  This scattergram shows the sizes of all United States individual generating units installed since 1890.  Later units installed outside the United States will cluster toward larger.

They thin out noticeably above 300 megawatts so the author arbitrarily decided that individual units larger than this size would be considered "supersized" units.  All nuclears fall into this category.  Note line at 300 MegaWatts electric.






Taichung, Taiwan, supersized coal power plant.  The world's top Global Warming CO2 producer.

Checking out the largest supersized CO2 emitter in CARMA's database, Taichung, turned up an 8-unit plant with four 500 MegaWatt electrical and four 550 MWe boilers.  Taichung is a supersized power plant with eight supersized boilers.

Conclusion: Based on the scatter plot above, if we are to mass-produce only one size nuclear boiler to keep the cost low, the 1,000 MWe ORNL-TM-1060 nuclear boiler is none too big.  Oversize can be limited to the basic tub.  While same-sized steam generators could be used for every power plant, different sized, right-sized, steam generators, pumps, etc., shouldn't run the cost up because these items are cheap, thin, nearly unpressurized shells wrapped around cheap steam piping.

Global Warming would be the reason for doing it sooner.  We could wait perhaps 50 years, then fossil fuel depletion will force us to shift to nuclear, which, with recycling, will provide  mankind with as much heat as he wants forever. 

There are over a billion sources of Global Warming emissions in the world.  Most of the stationary sources are boilers.  Combined, they make about 2/3 of all Global Warming. 

The small power plants are so small they are practically innocent bystanders. 

Then there are a few monsters, such as the Taichung coal burning power plant on Taiwan.  Pumping over 40 million tons of CO2 into the air each year, Taichung is the world's largest single source of carbon dioxide.  Taichung's management is acutely aware of this fact and are making a large effort to promote environmental projects.  But this cannot alter the fact that if Taichung stops burning coal, a large part of Taiwan must go dark.  Taiwan power is adding clean nuclear plants to their fleet but that alone won't cause Taiwan's energy mix to become clean.  Building a windmill does not destroy the boiler next door.


Part  2:    66 different countries have these supersized coal burning power plants.  Who has how many?

Which countries have how many supersized coal burning power plants?

Connecting the dots which will identify those countries most likely to receive World Bank financing via the UN's Clean Development Mechanism if the IAEA agrees.

The author has extracted the supersizers from CARMA's Excel Spreadsheets:  Supersized 1200 - Countries and Locations.xls  For more info see: 
Each individual supersized power plant is listed in this sub-database.  Plant name, owners, CO
2 emissions, capacity, nearby city, state, country, latitude and longitude.

Countries in bold green, representing a total of 755 supersized coal burning power plants, out of the total of 1,200 supersized coal burning power plants, are not European Union or the United States and, as such, are not considered to be paralyzed by environmentalists advocating only renewables as a way of ending Global Warming.  To a very large extent, these are the countries that represent the best hope for individuals concerned about actually ending Global Warming.

The ten developing countries with the largest CO2 emissions from electricity generation in 2005 were (in order of the magnitude of emissions) China, India, South Africa, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Iran, Indonesia, Kazakhstan and Thailand (IEA, 2007).

The total amount of emissions from electricity generation from the seven countries included (Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Kazakhstan were not included in the study.) in the study accounted for 75 percent of the total amount of emissions from electricity generation in all non-Annex I countries in 2005.

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) as a real option for CCS - How do we get there? 
Could much needed assistance for CCS come in the form of the Clean Development Mechanism? 
By Steven M. Carpenter, VP, Advanced Resources International
An excellent article in the May - June 2011 issue of Carbon Capture Journal - 

Developing countries according to the International Monetary Fund's World Economic Outlook Report, April 2010. 
See also: 
(United Nations Industrial Development Organization) 

Also:  Kyoto Annex 1 Countries .pdf     * Kyoto Non-Annex 1 Countries .pdf

Country Developing Developed
Argentina *                      Developing Country 1  
Australia   22
Austria   1
Azerbaijan                      Developing Country 1  
Belarus                           Developing Country 2  
Belgium   4
Bosnia-Herzegovina        Developing Country 1  
Brazil *                            Developing Country 2  
Bulgaria                            Developing Country 4  
Canada      17
Chile *                             Developing Country 3  
China *                            Developing Country 395  
Croatia                            Developing Country 1  
Czech Republic   7
Denmark   2
Egypt *              UNIDO     Developing Country 3  
Finland   1
France   5
Germany   41
Greece   6
Hungary                            Developing Country 1  
India *               UNIDO    Developing Country 64  
Indonesia *        UNIDO    Developing Country 6  
Iran *                 UNIDO    Developing Country 11  
Iraq *                               Developing Country 1  
Ireland   1
Israel *   2
Italy   19
Japan   45
Kazakhstan *                  Developing Country 5  
Kuwait *                         Developing Country 3  
Macedonia *                   Developing Country 1  
Malaysia *                      Developing Country 4  
Mexico *           UNIDO    Developing Country 8  
Moldova                         Developing Country 1  
Morocco           UNIDO    Developing Country 2  
Netherlands   6
New Zealand   1
North Korea *   1
Pakistan *          UNIDO    Developing Country 2  
Philippines *      UNIDO    Developing Country 5  
Poland                              Developing Country 14  
Portugal   3
Romania                           Developing Country 4  
Russia   56
Saudi Arabia *                 Developing Country 7  
Serbia *                           Developing Country 3  
Singapore *   3
Slovakia   1
Slovenia   1
South Africa *      UNIDO   12
South Korea   14
Spain   17
Syria *                            Developing Country 1  
Taiwan (China) *   10
Thailand *         UNIDO    Developing Country 7  
Turkey                            Developing Country 11  
Turkmenistan *               Developing Country 1  
Ukraine                           Developing Country 10  
United Arab Emirates *   Developing Country 1  
United Kingdom   22
United States   286
Uzbekistan *                    Developing Country 3  
Venezuela *                    Developing Country 1  
Vietnam *          UNIDO   Developing Country 3  
Zimbabwe       UNIDO   Developing Country 1  
Country Count = 66 594 606


Morocco's Jorf Lasfar plant, unit 3, 348 mWe, completed 2000.

Spain's Cadagua has been given a letter of intent for award of a 60 million euro 75,800 m³/d desalination plant in the Jorf Lasfar industrial complex in Morocco, 100km south of Casablanca.   Mid-term capacity goal is 222,200 m³/d at that site.






How many of the 1,200 supersizers are on navigable water?

Be warned.  CARMA's Asian coordinates can be off by miles. 
Best way to find a supersized power plant: Google Earth to the CARMA coordinate then cruise around for a river or large body of water to find the power plant.
When sorted by greatest CO
2 emissions, a group of 30 produced 16 plants with coal barges, 14 without.
When sorted by ascending sorted random numbers, a group of 22 produced 12 plants with coal barges, 10 without.

About 54% or about 650


Fun with environmentalists.

One must always keep in mind that:

Coal is The environmentalist's answer to uranium.

When nuclear almost stopped Global Warming
Incredibly, environmentalists restarted it.


Someone caught the Australian coal industry red-handed cranking out anti-nuclear propaganda.



This page is a terrible indictment of environmentalists.  It's difficult to believe environmentalists are so stupid.  The author, not by nature an investigative person, would be glad to share the data he found that led to the conclusions presented here with anyone interested in filling out the story with, hopefully, an outcome kinder to environmentalists.
