TIGHT OIL                                       Site Contents       Restoring Our Oil Independence
Chapter 1, Page 1: Global "Peak Oil" May Bring 10 Times Today's Gasoline Prices           Chapter  >


At the end of World War II, the United States was the world’s largest exporter of oil.  We supplied 5 out of every 6 barrels of oil used to defeat the Axis countries.

In 1956 (dashed red line), Shell geologist M. King Hubbert predicted the United States’ oil
production would first “Peak” and then begin declining about 1970.

The blue line is Hubbert’s prediction, the black dots are the US Energy Information Agency’s records of what actually happened.










Peak Oil + Imported Oil
Our oil production decline began in 1970, We lost our oil independence. and our per capita prosperity has eroded steadily.
The USA could no longer go it alone and oil security became “
Job #1.”

Global Peak Oil


Now, in 2012,
The United States is burning
barrels of oil

every second.

And we are depending on others for over half of that oil.
We are very vulnerable.

Many oil experts predicted Planet Earth would hit its “Peak Oil” production before 2010.