Our Oil Independence
Chapter 3, Page 1:
The Early Thorium-Fueled Molten Salt Reactors
< Chapter >
Page 2 >

"The potential utility of a
fluid-fueled reactor that can operate at a high temperature but with a
low-pressure system has been recognized for a long time. Some years ago, R. C.
Briant of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory suggested the use of the molten
mixture of UF4 and ThF4, together with the fluorides of the alkali metals and
beryllium or zirconium, as the fluid fuel. Laboratory work with such mixtures
led to the operation, in 1954, of an experimental reactor, which was designated
the Aircraft Reactor Experiment (ARE).
Fluoride-salt mixtures
suitable for use in power reactors have melting points in the temperature range
850 to 950°F and are sufficiently compatible with certain nickel-base alloys to
assure long life for reactor components at temperatures up to 1300°F. Thus the
natural, optimum operating temperature for a molten-salt-fueled reactor is such
that the molten salt is a suitable heat source for a modern steam power plant.
The principal comparison with one or more of the other fluid-fuel systems are
(1) low pressure operation, (2) stability of the liquid under radiation, (3)
high solubility of uranium and thorium (as fluorides) in molten-salt mixtures,
and (4) resistance to corrosion of the structural materials that does not depend
on oxide or other film formation.
The molten-salt system has
the usual benefits attributed to fluid-fuel systems. The principal advantages
over solid-fuel-element systems are (1) a high negative temperature coefficient
of reactivity, (2) a lack of radiation damage that can limit fuel burnup, (3)
the possibility of continuous fission-product removal, (4) the avoidance of the
expense of fabricating new fuel elements, and (5) the possibility of adding
makeup fuel as needed, which precludes the need for providing excess reactivity.
The high negative temperature coefficient and the lack of excess reactivity make
possible a reactor, without control rods, which automatically adjusts its power
in response to changes of the electrical load. The lack of excess reactivity
also leads to a reactor that is not endangered by nuclear power excursions.
One of the attractive features
of the molten-salt system is the variety of reactor types that can be considered
to cover a range of applications. The present state of the technology suggests
that homogeneous reactors which use a molten salt composed of BeF2 and either
Li7F or NaF, with UF4 for fuel and ThF4 for a fertile material, are most
suitable for early construction.
These reactors can be either
one or two region and, depending on the size of the reactor core and the thorium
fluoride concentration, can cover a wide range of fuel inventories, breeding
ratios, and fuel reprocessing schedules. The chief virtues of this class of
molten-salt reactor are that the design is based on a well-developed technology
and that the use of a simple fuel cycle contributes to reduced costs.
With further development, the
same base salt, that is, the mixture of BeF2 and Li7P, can be combined with a
graphite moderator in a heterogeneous arrangement to provide a self-contained
Th-U233 system with a breeding ratio of one. The chief advantage of the
molten-salt system over other liquid systems in pursuing this objective is that
it is the only system in which a soluble thorium compound can be used, and thus
the problem of slurry handling is avoided. The possibility of placing thorium in
the core obviates the necessity of using graphite as a core-shell material.
Plutonium is being
investigated as an alternate fuel for the molten-salt reactor. Although it is
too early to describe a plutonium-fueled reactor in detail, it is highly
probable that a suitable PuF3-fueled reactor can be constructed and operated.
The high melting temperature
of the fluoride salts is the principal difficulty in their use. Steps must be
taken to preheat equipment and to keep the equipment above the melting point of
the salt at all times. In addition, there is more parasitic neutron capture in
the salts of the molten-salt reactor than there is in the heavy water of the
heavy-water-moderated reactors, and thus the breeding ratios are lower. The
poorer moderating ability of the salts requires larger critical masses for
molten-salt reactors than for the aqueous systems. Finally, the molten-salt
reactor shares with all fluid-fuel reactors the problems of certain containment
of the fuel, the reliability of components, and the necessity for techniques of
making repairs remotely. The low pressure of the molten-salt fuel system should
be beneficial with regard to these engineering problems, but to evaluate them
properly will require operating experience with experimental reactors." - -
*By H. G. MacPherson.
Genesis of the Naturally Safe,
Thorium-fueled, Molten Salt Reactor
Molten Salt Reactor:
The reactor technology path not taken.
A very light and very powerful
molten salt reactor was developed to power nuclear
bomber airplanes a few years
before Intercontinental Missiles were developed.
The NB-36 made nearly 50 flights in the 1950s
carrying an operating nuclear reactor. The crew worked from a
lead-shielded cockpit.
The nuclear energy path not taken.
By the time the Manhattan
Project was completed 3 viable nuclear energy paths were identified: Uranium,
Plutonium, and Thorium.
Thorium had very poor weapons potential and was subsequently abandoned and forgotten.

(Left) The
NB-36's "Fireball" reactor using dissolved uranium liquid fuel and
the 4 nuclear jet engines it powered. It has little in common with
today's solid core reactors.
(Right) The USS Nautilus got the first operational solid fuel nuclear reactor.
A major objection to nuclear airplanes was the
possibility of a crash in a large city.
Today's low temperature (550°F) solid fuel core
power plant reactors are massively scaled up versions of the first desk-size submarine solid-fuel core reactors.
They are not hot enough to duplicate the
efficient superheated steam coal makes in a
coal-burning power
plant. The very hot
(1,300°F) liquid fuel
core in airplane nuclear reactors can easily duplicate, and thus replace, any
any steam found in any coal or natural gas power plant.
(Right) The Molten Salt Reactor Experiment salt-to-air heat exchanger ran so hot it glowed like the burners on your kitchen range.
(Click on chart to prove to yourself how hot it was. The chart is in Kelvin, an
absolute temperature measurement. 1,300°F = 978 K )
Color temperature
Liquid Reactors: May, 1946, marked the beginning of
the ultra-secret nuclear powered bomber program that eventually progressed
far as the NB-36H bomber.
By 1955, this program
produced the successful X-39 jet engine - two modified General Electric J47
jet engines with reactor-heated heat exchangers replacing the standard jet engine's
jet fuel combustors - and
would probably have gone on to power the X-6 successor to the NB-36H had that program been
pursued. Nuclear powered airplane
programs were eventually abandoned in favor of far faster, more difficult to
intercept, intercontinental ballistic missiles.
The airplane engine's nuclear
reactor was extremely light, simple, fast
responding, powerful,
and hot enough to replace jet fuel. The uranium nuclear fuel, dissolved in molten salt,
flowed through the reactor and its heat exchangers much like energy-transporting
blood flows through the organs of animals. Unlike water, 1,300°F molten
salt produces no vapor pressure and, as a consequence, the reactor cannot
explode like conventional high pressure steam nuclear reactors.
Later, a slightly larger version
of the same type of reactor was built in the same aircraft reactor development
building at Oak Ridge National Laboratories. Completed in 1965, it was
called the "Molten Salt Reactor Experiment" (MSRE) and, over the next 5 years,
ran at full power for the equivalent of one and a half years.
Thorium: The
nuclear energy path not taken.
By the time the Manhattan Project was
completed, 3 viable nuclear energy paths were identified: Uranium, Plutonium, and
Thorium. Thorium had very poor weapons potential and was subsequently abandoned as
being suitable for weapons.
Later, along with uranium and plutonium, thorium was explored as a potential
reactor fuel in both solid fuel reactors (Shippingport, near Pittsburgh, PA) and liquid fuel reactors
(Oak Ridge Molten Salt Reactor Experiment - MSRE).
Unlike polyisotopic
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotope ), thorium is monoisotopic and
therefore does not need costly enrichment to be used as nuclear fuel.
Several combinations of liquid reactors and thorium fuels appear to be ideal for
making cheap,
extremely hot heat for millions of years. Unlike solid fuel reactors
which cannot consume more than several percent of their uranium fuel before
becoming too weak to run, liquid fuel reactors are capable of almost completely
consuming their nuclear fuel, and, as a consequence, produce about 250 times the
heat and 1% the nuclear waste of a solid fuel reactor. Further, most of
this small amount of nuclear waste decays to a safe level in less than a decade,
the remainder in several hundred years.
This combination of running
coal-hot and load-following while making about 250 times as much heat and
producing 1% the waste - in a far less expensive to build reactor - attracted
great interest from the electrical utilities. Conceptual designs for large,
utility size molten salt reactors were on the drawing boards as early as 1960.
Today, heat
from thorium could be 8,000 times cheaper than heat from coal.
We have arrived at energy's final frontier where all
of civilization's heat must come from nuclear.
Burning our last remaining deposits of oil, natural gas, and coal will only make
Global Warming worse. The hydrocarbons in oil, natural gas, and coal are
far more valuable for bringing us good lives by using them as feedstock for
plastics and fertilizers rather than wasting them as mere sources of heat.
This book is about re-starting
America's thorium-fuelled molten salt reactor program using a modern version of
the 1972 EBASCO 1,000 megaWatt electricity generating plant reactor.
The Single Fluid (Converter) Thorium-Powered Liquid Reactor
Reactor Safety
Reactor Safety
MSR - Reactor Safety .pdf
How are they "Naturally Safe"?
for any reason, the reactor gets too hot,
a freeze plug in the reactor tank’s bottom melts, causing the reactor's
fuel-carrying molten salt to drain away from the graphite rods down into
passively air cooled dump tanks (blue) located beneath the reactor. There,
away from the graphite rods, the chain reaction ceases and the molten salt will
cool and solidify. Solidification prevents the radioactive materials from
entering the environment. Heaters re-melt the salt to restart the reactor.
Radiation Leakage
Radiation leakage. In this type of
reactor there are 2 or more loops of circulating melted salt. 1) The
inner loop carries the dissolved radioactive fuel
(called "Fuel Salt") first to the reactor's core, where the fuel in
the salt heats the salt, then to a heat exchanger where the salt's heat is
transferred to the outside world via 2) a second loop of melted salt (called
"Clear Salt"). The fuel salt loop is completely contained within
the confinement cell.
In the unlikely event some fuel salt escaped the
confinement cell, it will turn solid when it cools below 680°F. So there
would be a solid lump you could easily locate. Today's conventional
reactors leak radioactive water which quickly sinks into the ground, dispersing
radioactivity far and wide into the
Unlike table salt, the fuel salt lump would take a long time to dissolve in
rain. At
2.7grams/liter of water,
FLiBe, the salt used to carry radioactive fuel in this reactor, has 133 times
less solubility in water than common table salt at
359 grams/liter of water.
Unlike water, FLiBe cannot become radioactive through
exposure to radioactivity, so if the secondary loop leaks, its just a chemical
spill. You won't be able to find these lumps with a Geiger counter.
Unlike table salt, FLiBe is not safe to eat.
The Thorium Reactor Libraries
How mature is the single-fluid
"converter" molten salt reactor?
How mature is thorium as a nuclear fuel?
The Thorium-Fueled Molten
Salt Reactor
Oak Ridge National Laboratories is
a reputable organization and they have hundreds of documents about
experimental molten salt reactors, HTRE-1, HTRE-2, HTRE-3, and MSRE,
which ran for about 5 years, some of the time on liquid thorium.
Also, the Shippingport reactor
ran for several years on solid thorium.
The author knows of no reason to doubt the accuracy of these documents.
These documents may be found, examined, and downloaded without restriction at:
http://moltensalt.org/references/static/downloads/pdf/index.html Bruce
Hoglund's web site ORNL collection.
http://www.energyfromthorium.com/pdf/ Kirk Sorensen's web site ORNL
MSR - The Molten Salt
Adventure .pdf NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING: 90, 374-380 (1985)
"The Molten Salt Reactor Adventure" H. G. MacPherson, Consultant, Oak Ridge,
Tennessee 37831, Accepted March 15, 1985
MSR - Safety and Licensing Aspects of the Molten Salt Reactor - 120507.pdf
About Naturally Safe
Liquid Thorium Reactors
Liquid Thorium Reactors Have Little In Common With Today's Reactors
Good article by Dr Ralph Moir and Dr. Edward Teller, (inventor of
the hydrogen bomb) explaining a single fluid reactor:
Thorium-Fueled Underground Power Plant
Good article by Dr. Ralph Moir and Dr. Robert Hargraves explaining dual fluid
Note: Like
gasoline engines, there are several different kinds of single fluid reactors.
This is the one that has been built and tested twice.

The Single Fluid (Converter)
Thorium-Powered Liquid Reactor

"A pot, a pump, and a pipe."
- Oak Ridge National Laboratories quip.
Walk-away safe.
Extremely simple. Fire hot.
Almost limitless amounts of extremely cheap thorium for fuel.
Produce 1% the nuclear waste of a conventional reactor. Naturally safe
slow neutron nuclear device (atomic bombs are fast neutron nuclear devices).
Small and very cheap for the amount of heat they produce.
Cannot be kept from ending fission upon loss of electricity.
No steam pressure, so can't explode. Run 30 years at full power between
maintenances. Air cooled, can be used in deserts.
Can be installed in underground silos for maximum isolation.
Can be installed in concrete barges so they can be hauled away forever when no
longer needed, leaving no residual radioactive materials at user's site.
The heat transfer cooling salt contracts when it freezes solid so it doesn't burst the pipes.
If any of the heat transfer cooling salt leaks, it turns solid so the radioactivity can't sink into
the ground and make drinking water radioactive like the cooling water from
conventional reactors. You just scoop it up with a very long handle
shovel. Largely naturally self-heat-regulating and
thus load-following: Fuel density changes in the heat transfer salt tend to make
it become warm when it is cool, cool when it is warm.
Fire hot - runs red-hot. The
heat transfer cooling salt is expensive. The heat
transfer salt that has the radioactive fuel dissolved in it has to be immune to
radioactivity forever. That stuff is very expensive.
The heat transfer cooling salt turns solid if allowed to get too cool.
The heat transfer cooling salt is corrosive so the reactor tank and circulating
pumps have to be made out of expensive Hastelloy-N.
Molten salt reactors are radioactive like
all other nuclear reactors. Special equipment will
be needed for the 30 year maintenance. Unlike
table salt, FLiBe heat transfer salt is toxic like the chlorines. Its
fumes cannot be breathed, it cannot be eaten, it cannot be handled with bare
The Single
Fluid (Converter) Thorium-Powered Liquid Reactor
The Single Fluid (Converter) Thorium-Powered
Liquid Reactor
We are talking about a
combination of TWO entities:
1. Thorium instead of Uranium as a
nuclear fuel.
2. Unpressurized (incapable of exploding) molten salt cooled liquid fuel
reactors instead of
high pressure (capable of exploding) water cooled solid fuel rod reactors.
Solid salt, if heated hot enough, will melt into a clear water-like liquid
(color-coded yellow in sketch at right). At the temperatures discussed here, the salt is far
below its boiling point and, since the salt has little vapor pressure, Molten
Salt reactors are unpressurized and thus incapable of making a steam-like
(Click on image for larger view.)
Uranium and Thorium can be dissolved in molten salt.
A tub of molten salt with some radioactive uranium dissolved in it (think blood
- which carries nutrients) will become a
nuclear reactor if rods of synthetic non-flammable "nuclear" graphite (vertical black bars in reactor sketch) are
inserted into the liquid salt pool to promote nuclear fission (think muscle -
which turns nutrients into energy).
running, adding more uranium will keep it running. If non-radioactive
thorium-232 is added instead, the radioactivity will convert
thorium-232 into radioactive uranium-233 (this takes about a month) and the
reactor will continue to run. Radioactive plutonium-239 can also be used
to start and run the reactor.
"Cruise Control" As
the pool becomes hotter, the liquid salt expands, reducing the concentration of
radioactivity near the graphite rods, thereby reducing the intensity of the
nuclear chain reaction. As the pool becomes cooler, contraction of the
liquid salt intensifies the chain reaction, making the fuel salt hotter. A Molten Salt reactor will “load follow” (think
“cruise control”) over a surprisingly large portion of its power range.
Control rods will bring the reactor down to "idle" or allow full
The first heat exchanger heats a second loop of clear non-radioactive
molten salt called "coolant salt." This salt is used to safely carry the reactor's heat to
the outside world. Coolant salt then heats the second heat exchanger to
make steam to drive an electricity generator.
Fresh make-up thorium is added as needed for up to thirty years
- at which
time the fuel salt becomes saturated and has to have its dissolved waste products removed
by precipitation.
How are they "Naturally Safe"?
6. If,
for any reason, the reactor gets too hot,
a freeze plug in the reactor tank’s bottom melts, causing the reactor's
fuel-carrying molten salt to drain away from the graphite rods down into
passively air cooled dump tanks (blue) located beneath the reactor. There,
away from the graphite rods, the chain reaction ceases and the molten salt will
cool and solidify. Solidification prevents the radioactive materials from
entering the environment. Heaters re-melt the salt to restart the reactor.
Thorium's Proliferation Risk
"Thorium fueled [breeder] reactors
may pose a slightly higher proliferation risk than uranium based
reactors because, while Pu-239 will fairly often fail to undergo
fission after neutron capture and produce Pu-240, the corresponding
process in the thorium cycle is relatively rare. Thorium-232
converts to U-233, which will almost always undergo fission
successfully, meaning that there will be very little U-234 produced
in the reactor's thorium/U-233 breeder blanket, and the resulting
pure U-233 will be comparatively easy to extract and use for
weapons. However, the opposite process (neutron knock-off)
happens as a matter of course, producing U-232, which has the strong
gamma emitter Tl-208 in its decay chain. These gamma rays complicate
the safe handling of a weapon and the design of its electronics;
this explains why U-233 has never been pursued for weapons beyond
proof-of-concept demonstrations." - - -
This is why
the author is suggesting that only the "Single Fluid Converter" molten salt
reactor be built and run as a
The Thorium Cycle
The Thorium Cycle
(We are talking about the basic THORIUM CONVERTER reactor that makes its own radioactive
fuel and then consumes it.)
here on, things just get better.
Once started with a small amount of radioactive uranium or plutonium, Molten
Salt reactors will continue to run on non-radioactive thorium by first
converting the dissolved thorium into radioactive uranium-233 and then
fissioning (breaking) that atom. These two reactions will happen naturally
and simultaneously when you get things right.
Thorium is found
is 4 times as common as all forms of uranium combined, and, used this way in liquid form, produces 250 times as much
heat energy in a
single reactor pass as
a solid uranium fuel rod. This means thorium heat could cost
less than 1/8,000th as much as coal heat. This also means, since so little
is needed, we will never consume all the thorium available on
Planet Earth. Today, thorium is simply a waste tailing of rare earth

In Detail: How non-radioactive
thorium can power a reactor.

(The author
took the liberty of editing the diagram appearing in the Moir-Teller article to
make it more understandable to non-nuclear folks like himself.)
original Moir-Teller diagram.)
There appears to be no practical obstacle to vastly different sizes of Molten
Salt reactors.
A more
detailed introduction by a professional writer in a hurry.
MSR - The Thorium Paradigm .pdf
on-line Wikipedia article:
History of Thorium-fueled and Molten Salt Reactors
Quick History of
Thorium-fueled and Molten Salt Reactors
Born in
Cold-War secrecy, this reactor type was first developed as a nuclear aircraft engine
in the 1950s by Pratt and Whitney, test-stand run successfully, given multiple rides
in a B-36 bomber to get crew shielding right. Nuclear intercontinental
bombers were abandoned as reliable, extremely accurate, and virtually impossible
to intercept intercontinental missiles were being perfected.
Interestingly, the Soviet version of the nuclear powered bomber weighed
within 5,000 pounds of our 75-ton NB-36. The idea of nuclear civilian
airplanes with their potential of crashing into a city caused the successful
X-39 dual J47 nuclear jet engine to be forgotten.
Thorium as
a weapons material was
abandoned by the U.S. military when it proved to have poor military weapons value
in every respect. After a discouraging test firing of the only atomic bomb
ever made from thorium, MET, 1955, development work on thorium as a weapons
material was ended.
A ten
megaWatt Molten Salt Reactor was later built at Oak Ridge National
Laboratories. It ran well for about 5 years on both pure
and various blends of
thorium, uranium, and plutonium.
thorium fuel rods were used experimentally in the 1957 conventional 60 MWe "Shippingport"
reactor near Pittsburgh, PA, between 1977 and 1982.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shippingport_Reactor (Right, Shippingport
reactor vessel.)
A 1,000
megaWatt (e) Molten Salt electricity generating unit was designed by EBASCO (a
consortium of 15 Midwest power companies) for Oak Ridge National Laboratories in
1965, and then shelved in favor of established conventional solid fuel
program had very poor weapons material breeding potential and was cancelled about 1974 when the government decided in favor of
funding liquid metal fast breeder reactors which could make far more, and
better, weapons
material far faster.
The liquid
metal fast breeder reactor program, in turn, was killed for nuclear proliferation
reasons in 1994 by an administration with strong anti-nuclear ties.
Czech Republic, France, China (molten salt reactor development,
large thorium deposits, small uranium deposits), India (solid thorium fuel rod
reactors, large thorium deposits), are
currently active in thorium energy research with Norway (large thorium
deposits), Japan, and Russia
looking on.
About Using Molten
Salt as a Coolant.
About Using Molten Salt as a

Nuclear Aircraft Engines 1946-1962
Nuclear Aircraft Engines 1946-1962
"Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion (ANP) Program",
Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) - a type of Nuclear
The most interesting application of molten salt
technology was the development of the Molten Salt (Nuclear) Reactor
(MSR). Originally developed to power a deep penetration bomber for
targets in the Soviet Union during the early Cold War (1946 - 1962),
it is a remarkable, yet virtually unknown reactor. Part of the problem
was the limited geographical experience of the MSR as both operating
MSRs were built only at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), near
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.
The first MSR was the 1954, 100-hour operation of the
Aircraft Reactor Experiment (ARE) at ORNL. Its sole purpose was to
demonstrate the then unheard of notion of operating a reactor at red
heat (~750°C; ~1,550° F) with a molten fuel and coolant consisting of
melted fluoride salts (sodium fluoride, NaF; zirconium fluoride, ZrF 4;
and UF4 [enriched in 235U]).
The second MSR was a
civilian power plant prototype, the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment
Hugely successful, it was ignored by the US Atomic Energy Commission (US
AEC), which had decided to favor the Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR).
The Director of ORNL, Dr.
Alvin Weinberg, pushed for the MSR, but was fired for his efforts.
The notable features of this reactor are:
● Meltdown proof
● Does not produce weapons grade plutonium
● Has inherent non-proliferation features
● Thousands of years of energy
● Simplified fuel cycle (no fuel elements nor reprocessing required)
● Its wastes are simpler and less toxic than current nuclear wastes
● Only hundreds of years of storage versus thousands for the current
● Can completely destroy military plutonium
● Can burn the existing wastes (spent fuel)!
● Higher thermal efficiencies (operates at a "Red Heat"; ~700° C [1,260°
The above was written and created by
Bruce Hoglund
<bhoglund@earthlink.net.DoNotSpamMe>, © 1997
Please send me any HELPFUL comments. Responsible use is allowed as long as the
author is cited.
Above from:
What is Molten Salt & Its Technology_ .pdf
(Right) In fact, there were
TWO nuclear aircraft engines under development at the time. Heat Transfer
Reactor Experiment - 3 (HTRE-3) is the large one above and on the left in
the small picture. It came from Pratt & Whitney. The other one,
(later rebuilt as HTRE-2) was an air-direct-core-cooled General Electric design.
(Small image above from Wikipedia (click
on it for large image), large
image (above) taken by author Sept, 2010 from Idaho National Labs parking lot.)
"The US Aircraft Reactor
Experiment (ARE) was a 2.5 MW
nuclear reactor experiment designed to attain a high
power density for use
as an engine in a nuclear powered bomber. It used the molten fluoride salt
(53-41-6 mol%) as
moderated by
beryllium oxide (BeO), used liquid
sodium as a secondary
coolant and had a peak
temperature of 860 °C. It operated for a 1000-hour cycle in 1954. It was the
first molten salt
reactor. Work on this project in the US stopped after
ICBMs made it obsolete. The designs for its engines can currently be viewed
at the
EBR-I memorial building at the
Idaho National
Laboratory." - -
For more information about the
airplane photos, see ASME web article:

Nuclear Aircraft Engines
Nuclear Aircraft Engines
Reactor Experiment 1965 to 1969.
(Oak Ridge National Labs Photo from Kirk Sorensen's 2011 TEA talk slides.)
Notice the water-cooled pump motor. The 1,200°F reactor was so hot you
could take a photograph of it at night without a flash. Both the heat and
corrosiveness of the salt makes this a place to stay away from. EBASCO did
some unrecognized brilliant engineering and came up with a far better reactor
confinement cell design.

Molten salt-to-air heat exchanger running
full-blast. 1,200°F+ is the normal discharge temperature of this reactor.
It can replace most coal, natural gas, and oil fires. Molten salt reactor
experiment, Oak Ridge National
Temperature Colors - 540.jpg
(Right) Assembling the graphite core of the
experimental 10
megaWatt Molten Salt Reactor (MSRE).
"The MSRE's piping, core vat and structural
components were made from
Hastelloy-N and its
moderator was a
pyrolytic graphite core. The fuel for the MSRE was
(65-30-5-0.1), the graphite core
moderated it, and its secondary
coolant was
FLiBe (2LiF-BeF2),
it operated as hot as 650 °C (1,200°F) and operated for the equivalent
of about 1.5 years of full power operation."
Molten salt is salt heated hot enough to melt and
flow like water. So a liquid reactor fueled by
thorium is called "Liquid Thorium" (at least
on this web site).
One unpleasantness
is the is the reactor's salt, FLiBeF (Flibe). While a great reactor
salt that will last forever carrying radioactive fuel dissolved in it, is toxic
(as are most salts) and also expensive. Fortunately, not a large amount is
needed to fill the reactor and the primary heat exchangers. FLiNaFKF
(Flinak) could be a secondary coolant loop salt. Some think a much cheaper
commercial heat transfer salt such as HITEC (used in solar heat collectors)
might suffice in some secondary loop designs and would certainly work in any
tertiary loops. Corrosion is addressed by using alloys such as
Hastelloy-N, with 2% titanium added to avoid long-term embrittlement due to
radiation. The operating design life would be 90 years with 30-year major
maintenance intervals.
Richard Houghton, March
26th, 2011 at 10:46
I wish that Mr. Gates had first seen the research already done and
already tested for 5 years at Oakridge, namely liquid fluorine thorium reactors.
This nuclear reactor uses liquid salts with dissolved thorium which is converted
to a fissile material (u233) and burned. No cooling system required, no bomb
material is possible, can be shut down and restarted in same day, uses nuclear
waste material as fuel, needs no massive containment structure, operates at
atmospheric pressure, needs no water to cool or create steam. And it has been
proven by our own nuclear program and run for 5 years. They would run it during
the week and turn it off for the weekend and restart it on Monday. Will cost
half of what a conventional nuke plant costs. Is scalable for large plants and
for industrial business use.
Check out thoriumalliance.org for more information.
Bill Gate's Traveling Wave
Reactor: How do you turn it on and off for maintenance? How do you
turn it up and down for load following? How hot is it? Is there some
web site where these questions are answered?
I wonder about the neutron
spectrum, and whether the reactivity control is accomplished by a combination of
Doppler and density (as a function of temperature). This seems to be an
interesting exercise on paper, but I'm highly skeptical with respect to
I'm curious about the transport of fission gases (Xe, Kr) and volatiles to the
plenum volume, and the conduction of heat to the liquid metal coolant. -
Thorium Another sign it is the coming nuclear fuel .pdf