Our Oil Independence
Coal Steam from a
Nuclear Boiler
Steam generator design enables us to create an
efficient and reliable interface between the new thorium reactor and the old
steam turbogenerator.
< Replacing
this. With
this. >
(Right) Thorium-fueled Molten Salt nuclear boiler.
of this page
A coal burning power plant's "Classic" Loffler coal-burning boiler.
Coal Steam from a nuclear boiler.
The three steams typical power plants use. Saturated, Superheated, and
Steam Compatibilities: Coal, Molten Salt
Reactor, Integral Fast Reactor, Conventional Nuclear
5) How the
Thorium Reactor and Steam Generator work
Cost estimates
http://moltensalt.org/references/static/downloads/pdf/index.html Bruce
Hoglund's web site ORNL collection.
http://www.energyfromthorium.com/pdf/ Kirk Sorensen's web site ORNL
MSR - Safety and Licensing Aspects of the Molten Salt Reactor - 120507.pdf
"Classic" Loffler Coal-Burning
(Known in the trade as a "Once-through Steam Generator.)
Steam - Once
Through Steam Generators .pdf
Coal fired generating units can be dispatched down to about 20%
of their full output.
Coal Steam from a
Nuclear Boiler
Shown above is the "Classic" superheated -
reheated steam configuration.
By using these types of steam generators, you can configure any single reheat or
double reheat or whatever you encounter.
There is no fossil fuel power plant in the world that can't be repowered this
On the far left are the non-radioactive secondary coolant loop or "Clear Salt" lines connected to the reactor barge's heat exchanger. The small black objects are circulating pumps. The large heat exchanger on the left is the "Clear Salt" to "Steam Generator" salt heat exchanger. Hot clear salt (light yellow) in at top, Cooler clear salt (pink out) at bottom. The fluid Steam Generator salt (yellow) is heated to a temperature of 1,100°F by this heat exchanger. Steam generator salt is a commercially made heat transfer salt called "HITEC."
The 1,100°F Steam Generator salt heats the four different water heat exchangers.
Water Preheater: The blue line depicts the boiler feed water preheater line where the water, already pressurized to the system's operating pressure of 2,500 pounds per square inch (psi), is typically heated to perhaps 500°F before it enters the evaporator. This reduces both the thermal load and thermal stress on the following evaporator stage.
The combination Evaporator - Superheater heats the water to the temperature needed to produce the system's operating pressure - the saturation temperature. For a system running at 2,500 pounds per square inch (psi) this temperature would be 670°F. The saturated steam (pink) is spun (diagonal vanes) as it rises into the superheater tube section to centrifuge any water droplets out of the steam.
By the time the steam rises to the top of the superheater column (red), it has been superheated from its 2,500 psi saturation temperature of 670°F to a temperature of 1,000°F - an additional 330°F which produces a very dry, almost gas-like, turbine blade and bucket-safe steam - and is then either run through the high pressure stage of the turbine (see below) or, via a by-pass line, returned immediately to the reheater stage (pink).
The Reheater stage receives the steam from the high pressure turbine's exhaust at perhaps 500°F and 550 psi. The saturation (turbine-damaging fog) temperature for these conditions is about 475°F so the steam is reheated back to 1,000°F to dry it out again before allowing it to enter the turbine's intermediate pressure stage.
The remainder of the steam path - condensing stage, condenser, feedwater de-aeration - is unchanged from the earlier, original, coal steam system.
The three steams power plants use: Saturated, Superheated, and Reheated
Superheated steam and liquid water cannot coexist under thermodynamic equilibrium, as any additional heat simply evaporates more water and the steam will become saturated steam at some higher pressure. However, under dynamic conditions some degree of superheating is often possible.
To produce superheated steam in a power plant or for processes (such as drying paper) the saturated steam, from the steam drum, is passed through a super heater. The superheater may be radiant, convection or separately fired.
Superheated steam is not useful for building heating. Saturated steam has a much higher useful heat content
(Below) Locomotive "Firetube" boiler layout showing how superheated steam is obtained.
Beyond superheated steam: Reheated steam: Steam is also reheated between the high pressure and intermediate pressure turbine stages in power plants. Note: Superheated steam is NOT reheated steam. See reheat description below.
An excellent description of why we
need to reheat multi-stage turbine steam:
As a captured pdf:
Reheat - Using Reheat Cycles .pdf
A reactor configured to emulate a coal burning boiler will need to produce both superheated and reheated steam in addition to basic wet steam. This is why sodium-cooled reactors with multiple heat exchangers have the "Right Stuff" to be candidates for coal boiler emulators. With several heat exchangers - they don't have to be the same size - we can make both superheated and reheated steam in addition to basic wet steam.
Basic Rankine Cycle with single turbine stage.
(Right) Two stages of turbine with reheat
A typical coal burning power plant has three stages of turbine on a generator.
1980 Russian
BN-600 Combined Evaporator and Steam Superheater J-Column
(Known in the trade as a
"Once-through Steam Generator.)
Steam - Once
Through Steam Generators .pdf
Coal, Molten Salt Reactor, Integral Fast Reactor, and Conventional Nuclear boilers
Steam compatibilities. Using the world's largest supersized coal plant, Taichung, as a very typical example. For one of Taichung's 550 megaWatt (e) boilers, mass flow would be about 3,187,000 pounds of water per hour at 2,524 psig, 1,005°F, and 550 psig high pressure turbine discharge.
Reactor examples: The Russian Rosatom "BN-800" Sodium Fast Reactor, the EBASCO Molten Salt Reactor
Replacing coal
boilers with nuclear heated boilers.
high temperature (1,300°F molten salt reactors are far better suited for
coal replacement applications than are the older, far less fuel efficient,
and cooler common reactors. The BN-800 mentioned here is a
commercial Russian product. The EBASCO was designed but never built.)
These steam values are conventional sub-critical superheated steam technology. According to the IEA, supercritical status for hard coal plants is defined as achieving outlet steam temperatures of 540-566 °C (1,000-1,050 °F) and a pressure of 250 bar (3,600 psi). Ultra-supercritical units are defined as those with outlet steam temperatures above 590 °C (1,100°F) and pressures above 250 bar (3,600 psi). Supercritical and ultrasupercritical plants can achieve efficiencies of over 45%; conventional sub-critical superheated steam plants rarely achieve thermal efficiencies of 40%.
Very few new large power plants are being built for anything other than the more efficient 1,050°F supercritical steam. At 1,300°F, the thorium molten salt reactor has a long future.
Where the IFR falls short:
The high pressure turbine is 95°F short of the high pressure turbine's
input superheated steam design
The 550 psig discharge temperature of the high pressure turbine cannot
be below 477°F or this
will take the steam into the
dangerous condition of becoming wet fog
The conventional reactor is out of the running.
How the Thorium Reactor and Steam Generator Work
First, print this article out so you can refer to it while looking at a steam plant drawing. It's probably best to look at the middle drawing on the opening page - the one about a coal power plant. Click on the drawing a couple of times to enlarge it enough so that you can read the small lettering. There are two new modules: the reactor barge and the steam generator module (which replaces the boiler).
There is no boiler in this system.
The original coal burning boiler has been replaced with a set of steam generator heat exchangers that emulates a typical coal power plant's Loeffler boiler. I got this boiler emulator idea from both ORNL EBASCO and Rosatom BN-600 drawings so I can't claim it on a patent. Further, this system is incapable of producing a boiler explosion.The THORIUM REACTOR.
The reactor is basically a tank filled with graphite (what we call "pencil lead"). The graphite is cut to fill the tank tightly leaving a space at both the top and bottom. Dozens of tubes spaced about 2 inches apart - arranged in a grid - are drilled the length of the graphite between the top and bottom spaces to allow the molten fuel salt to flow through the graphite from bottom to top.Somewhat like slowing a passing meteorite
to assure that Earth’s gravity will draw the meteorite to crash into it, the graphite slows neutrons – moderates their speed - thereby increasing the chances the neutrons will crash into nearby uranium atoms and cause the atom to break apart - or fission – releasing a bit of heat in the process.There are no tubes drilled near the edges of the graphite. This thick graphite edge keeps neutrons in, acting as the first of three radiation containment shields in the reactor barge concept. The other two containment shields are the 3 foot thick concrete and steel walls of the reactor’s 70 feet in diameter, 50 foot high containment cell (colored blue) and the three foot thick concrete walls of the concrete reactor barge (colored gray).
The molten fuel salt has dissolved radioactive fuel (usually uranium-235) in it which is radiating neutrons that fission (split) adjacent atoms which, in turn, produce the reactor’s heat as the salt travels up through the reactor tank from bottom to top via the tubes drilled in the black graphite block in the reactor tank.
Once the reactor is up and running on something radioactive, non-radioactive thorium can be blended into the liquid fuel. Thorium, when exposed to radioactivity, changes over about a month into radioactive uranium-233 and becomes the reactor’s fuel. The reactor can be kept running for about 30 years on thorium before the fuel salt becomes so contaminated with fissioned uranium-233 it will stop running.
At 30 years, the salt is cleaned by precipitation and the graphite rods, swollen by 30 years of exposure to intense radiation are replaced with fresh graphite rods.
Pumps next to the top of the reactor tank then pump the heated fuel salt down through the 4 primary heat exchangers inside the reactor cell which then heat the non-radioactive "clear salt" loop.
Notice the molten salt travels through the heat exchangers so fast the salt's temperatures don't change much more than 100F.
The STEAM GENERATOR. The clear salt (salt loop 2) then leaves the reactor barge and is pumped to the salt-to-salt secondary heat exchanger where it then heats the tertiary salt loop - salt loop 3 (a commercial salt of a different type called "HITEC") which both takes care of a tritium problem and carries the heat to the steam generator module (right-hand room of the "New Steam Generator"). These things are big - the evaporator-superheaters on the BN-600 are over 40 feet high.
The following steam pressures and temperatures are generic values right out of the "Steam Plant Operation" handbook by Woodruff, Lammers, and Lammers.
Any actual steam configuration in turbine size, steam temperature, or steam pressures, from superheated to ultra-supercritical can be emulated using these inexpensive "Shell and Tube" steam generators. No changes to the turbine or water treatment equipment should be necessary. If desired, steam selector valves can be installed at the turbine to create a "Dual-Fuel" - i.e., coal or nuclear - power plant. It should work just fine on either steam source.
One neat thing is that the steam generation control valves should enable a "Fine Tuning" of the steam quality to a level not attainable by the damper panels in Loeffler boilers. The valves are set up to never close completely during normal operation and there is an end of loop heat exchanger by-pass salt line to assure the salt lines never get cool enough to go solid. The pipe lines and valve bodies are traced (wrapped) with nichrome heating wire (like in your toaster) in the unlikely event solidification ever does happen.
Water expands 1,600 times in volume when it changes from water to steam. If not allowed to expand, its vapor pressure will rise dramatically. A wonderful way to turn thermal energy into mechanical energy for 300 years.
The steam generator module does 4 things.
1. It preheats the condensate water (blue water pipe line) to 500F so that thermal shock will not crack or overload the evaporator. This temperature also sets the lowest [saturated] steam pressure available. 2. The evaporator temperature sets the operating (saturated) steam pressure. When running at 670F the evaporator sets the steam pressure to 2,500 psig. The diagonal vanes in the evaporator spin the steam to centrifuge out any microdroplets. 3. The steam then rises through the superheater section where the steam is superheated from 670F to 1,000F (red steam line). (Superheating means the steam is hotter than is necessary for its pressure. This makes steam more powerful and also "dry", like a gas.) The steam then passes through the high pressure stage of the turbine where it expands, dropping the pressure to 550 psig and the temperature to 500F (pink steam line). (If running at part power, the HP turbine can be by-passed.) This temperature/pressure combination takes the steam dangerously close to becoming wet fog (477F @ 550 psig), which will rapidly destroy by erosion the blades and buckets of the intermediate stage (IP) turbine. 4. To make the steam safe for use in the intermediate turbine, the steam is reheated from 500F to 1,000F to dry it out and then the steam is run through the intermediate pressure turbine. The pressure remains at 550 psig.
The steam then leaves the intermediate pressure turbine stage and immediately goes to the low pressure or "condensing" stage turbine at 710F and 170 psig and then on into the steam condenser (hot well) which is running at a slight vacuum to keep the steam from forming fog. At this point the steam flashes back into water – reducing its volume 1,600 times and thus maintaining the vacuum – and the water is then run through a de-aerator and then into a storage tank for the next trip around. That’s it!
Even with the additional cost of a concrete barge, and considering the fact everything metal that touches molten salt has to be made of even more expensive nuclear and corrosion resisting Hastelloy-N instead of already costly stainless steel, the thin unpressurized reactor tank and the thin unpressurized "Shell and Tube" heat exchangers are relatively dirt-cheap when compared with the heavy 10 inch thick stainless forgings needed to restrain the enormous supercritical water pressures (Supercritical water - under so much pressure it can’t turn into steam) found in your local solid-fuel reactor.
RG Donnelly’s book has important information about heat exchanger welding and brazing.
Since conventional reactors run about 550F, they are not able to produce the more efficient 1,000F steam temperatures coal produces. Molten salt reactors, however, were running at 1,300F right from the beginning.
The reactor containment cell can be buried in an underground silo for additional radiation shielding if the barge is not an option. Air cooled, this reactor cell won’t make any additional demands for cooling water.
Making the reactor barge a stand-apart module with molten salt feed and return lines to a reactor is not to be found in the literature. This enables quick disconnect from the steam generator module for quick barge replacement. Using the secondary heat exchanger as a load-consolidating heat distribution device (see Big Bend and Jorf Lasfar) is also undocumented as far as I know but the idea of having one boiler drive many different heat zones (such as in steam heating) is as old as the hills.
The combination of unpressurized molten salt and 2,500 psig superheated steam in the same heat exchanger is a marriage made in hell. If you run it long enough - many decades - eventually one of the many pipe welds in the top of the superheater will rupture (a highest temperature, pressure, and vibration point), forcing the tertiary salt loop to high pressure, threatening the secondary loop and possibly the radioactive primary fuel salt loop in the reactor itself. That's why there are five overpressure rupture discs in the system. This part of the steam generator building should never be routinely occupied. It will be god-awful hot in there anyway.
The inerting gas cascade is set up to detect and handle fine leaks between salt stages, forcing any leakage toward the reactor and its confinement cell.
Cooling Loop Components
The steam generator building
The secondary to tertiary cooling loop clear salt-to-clear salt heat exchanger
The secondary heat exchanger clear salt drain tanks
The secondary cooling loop clear salt circulating pump
The secondary cooling loop overpressure rupture disc
Tertiary Cooling Loop Components
The tertiary cooling loop clear salt drain tanks
The tertiary cooling loop clear salt circulating pump
The 2 tertiary cooling loop overpressure rupture discs
The 4 tertiary cooling loop clear salt flow control valves
Steam Generator Components
The feedwater preheater heat exchanger module
The evaporator-superheater heat exchanger module
The reheater heat exchanger module
The main superheated steam throttle valve
The high pressure turbine superheated steam by-pass valve