Converting Power Plants From coal2nuclear
Chapter  1        THE THORIUM-FUELED NUCLEAR BOILER                   Directory 
The purpose of this page is to introduce you to our best "Technology Opportunity."

Thorium-fueled liquid reactors
The best "Technology Opportunity" for both Global Warming and rising electricity costs.
A Thorium-Fueled Liquid Reactor as described by Dr. Edward Teller, inventor of the hydrogen bomb.

This web site will focus on the "Heavy" electricity industry 1,000 megaWatt (e) thorium-fueled liquid reactor designed by EBASCO (1972) but never built.
Cruder than a Civil-War locomotive boiler, a liquid reactor heated boiler should cost less to build than its equivalent coal heated boiler.

About using molten salt as a coolant.
Nuclear Aircraft Engines  1946-1962
After Nuclear Aircraft Engines
Dr. Ralph Moir and Dr. Edward Teller (inventor of the Hydrogen Bomb) advocate MSRs
THE GOOD: Molten Salt Reactor advantages
THE BAD:  Molten Salt Reactor shortcomings
THE UGLY:  When running, thorium's U-232 radiation keeps terrorist's hands out of the cookie jar.
General Considerations
Uncertainties, unanswered questions
Molten Salt Reactor Basics
More about Molten Salt Reactors

Advanced LIQUID FLUORIDE THORIUM (LFTR) Nuclear Reactors                                    A molten salt reactor and your hot water heater are similar devices.

MSR - Safety and Licensing Aspects of the Molten Salt Reactor - 120507.pdf





We are talking about a combination of TWO entities:
1. Thorium instead of Uranium as a nuclear fuel. 
2. Unpressurized (incapable of exploding) molten salt cooled liquid fuel reactors rather than high pressure (capable of exploding) water cooled solid fuel rod reactors.



1. Solid salt, if heated hot enough, will melt into a clear water-like liquid (color-coded yellow in sketch at right).  At the temperatures discussed here, the salt is far below its boiling point and, since the salt has little vapor pressure, Molten Salt reactors are unpressurized and thus incapable of making a steam-like explosion. 

2. Uranium can be dissolved in molten salt.  A tub of molten salt with some radioactive uranium dissolved in it (think blood - which carries nutrients) will become a nuclear reactor if rods of synthetic non-flammable "nuclear" graphite (vertical black bars in reactor sketch) are inserted into the liquid salt pool to promote nuclear fission (think muscle - which turns nutrients into energy). 

3. If the pool becomes hotter than the design temperature, the liquid salt expands, reducing the concentration of radioactivity near the nuclear graphite rods, thereby reducing the intensity of the nuclear chain reaction.  If the pool becomes cooler, contraction of the liquid salt intensifies the chain reaction, making the pool become hotter.  A Molten Salt reactor will “load follow” (think “cruse control”) over a surprisingly large portion of its power range.  Control rods can bring the reactor down to "idle".  Total shut down can be achieved in a few seconds by draining the fuel salt into the dump tanks.

4. The first heat exchanger heats a second loop of clear non-radioactive molten salt called "coolant salt" is used to safely carry the reactor's heat to the outside world.  Coolant salt then heats the second heat exchanger to make steam to drive an electricity generator.

5. Some types of molten salt reactors need a “pool cleaner” (the gray "Chemical Processing" module) system to keep the uranium concentration proper by adding fresh fuel while removing the nuclear waste.  With some thorium types, fresh make-up thorium is added as needed for up to thirty years at which time the fuel salt has to have its dissolved waste products removed.

6. If, for any reason, the reactor gets too hot, a freeze plug in the reactor tank’s bottom melts, causing the fuel-carrying molten salt to drain away from the nuclear graphite rods down into passively air cooled dump tanks (blue) located beneath the reactor.  There, away from the graphite rods, the chain reaction ceases and, if left long enough, the molten salt will cool sufficiently to solidify.  Heaters will be needed to re-melt the salt.



(We are talking about the basic THORIUM CONVERTER reactor that makes its own radioactive fuel and then consumes it.)

From here on, things just get better.  Once started with a small amount of radioactive uranium or plutonium, Molten Salt reactors will continue to run on non-radioactive thorium by first converting the dissolved thorium into radioactive uranium-233 and then fissioning (breaking) that atom.  These two reactions will happen naturally and simultaneously when you get things right. 

Thorium is found everywhere, is 4 times as common as all forms of uranium combined, and, used this way in liquid form, produces 250 times as much heat energy in a single reactor pass as a solid uranium fuel rod.   This means thorium heat will cost less than 1/8,000th as much as coal heat.  This also means, since so little is needed, we'll never consume all the thorium available on Planet Earth.  Today, thorium is simply a waste tailing of rare earth mining.


AND THEN MAKE HEAT (Chain Reaction)

(From the Moir-Teller article.)

The cost of a molten salt reactor boiler should be in the same ball park as less than twice a coal burning boiler.  Being unpressurized, the molten salt reactor can be made out of relatively thin metal - Hastelloy-N for corrosion resistance - and the unpressurized steam generators are also inexpensive-to-make thin metal "shell and tube" devices. Nuclear graphite is a semi-synthetic material that can be made from coal.  The particular salt used is not damaged by radiation so should last forever.  3 feet of concrete will contain the reactor's radiation and concrete is cheap - we make roads out of it.  The Chinese began a thorium molten salt reactor development program in late 2010. 

Like the hot water heater in your basement, molten salt reactors do not need operators.  They "load follow" over most of their power range much like the cruise control in your car.  This is because when the fuel salt gets hotter than the set temperature, it expands, thinning out the amount of thorium-232/uranium-233 fuel that can get near the reactor's graphite core.  This, in turn, reduces the amount of heat the fuel salt can make.  If the thermal load on the reactor increases and the fuel salt becomes cooler, the fuel salt contracts, allowing more fuel to get near the reactor's graphite core, causing additional heat to be produced.  This process is quick, taking only 10 seconds or less (molten salt reactors had to be powerful and fast to be candidates for powering large airplanes).

Control rods are present to bring the reactor down to an "idle."  If, for some reason the reactor must be turned off completely, it will be necessary to go through a month-long "fissile fuel cycle" using some enriched uranium, plutonium, etc., to re-start the conversion reaction that converts non-radioactive thorium-232 into the immediately consumed radioactive uranium-233 that actually makes the heat.

The type of Molten Salt reactor being advocated here for repowering coal burning boilers can run on thorium 30 years flat-out by adding more non-radioactive thorium once a year.  It produces about 1% the hazardous nuclear waste of an equivalent conventional reactor.  At the end of 30 years it needs to have the fuel-carrying salt purified (the salt that circulates through the reactor and first heat exchanger) and the reactor's graphite rods replaced - then it's good to go again for another 30 years. 

There appears to be no practical obstacle to vastly different sizes of Molten Salt reactors.

A more detailed introduction by a professional writer in a hurry.   MSR - The Thorium Paradigm .pdf

A conservative introduction. 

An on-line Wikipedia article: 




Born in Cold-War secrecy, this reactor type was first developed as a nuclear aircraft engine in the 1950s by Pratt and Whitney, test-stand run successfully, given multiple rides in a B-36 bomber to get crew shielding right, and then abandoned by the U.S. military over the next decade when thorium proved to have no military weapons value. 

A ten megaWatt Molten Salt Reactor was later built at Oak Ridge National Laboratories.  It ran well for about 5 years on both pure and various blends of thorium, uranium, and plutonium.

Solid thorium fuel rods were used experimentally in the 1957 conventional 60 MWe "Shippingport" reactor near Pittsburgh, PA, between 1977 and 1982.  (Right, Shippingport reactor vessel.)

A 1,000 megaWatt (e) Molten Salt electricity generating unit was designed by EBASCO (a consortium of 15 Midwest power companies) for Oak Ridge National Laboratories in 1965, and then shelved in favor of established conventional solid fuel reactors.  

The MSR program had near-zero weapons value and was cancelled about 1974 when the government decided in favor of funding liquid metal fast breeder reactors which could make far more weapons material faster. 

The liquid metal fast breeder reactor program, in turn, was killed for nuclear proliferation reasons in 1994 by an administration with strong anti-nuclear ties.

Czech Republic, France, China (molten salt reactor development, large thorium deposits, small uranium deposits), India (solid thorium fuel rod reactors, large thorium deposits), are currently active in thorium energy research with Norway (large thorium deposits), Japan, and Russia looking on. 


About using molten salt as a coolant.

About using molten salt as a coolant.


Nuclear Aircraft Engines  1946-1962

Nuclear Aircraft Engines  1946-1962

"Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion (ANP) Program",  Mid-1950s

Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) - a type of Nuclear Reactor

The most interesting application of molten salt technology was the development of the Molten Salt (Nuclear) Reactor (MSR). Originally developed to power a deep penetration bomber for targets in the Soviet Union during the early Cold War (1946 - 1962), it is a remarkable, yet virtually unknown reactor. Part of the problem was the limited geographical experience of the MSR as both operating MSRs were built only at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), near Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.

The first MSR was the 1954, 100-hour operation of the Aircraft Reactor Experiment (ARE) at ORNL.  Its sole purpose was to demonstrate the then unheard of notion of operating a reactor at red heat (~750°C; ~1,550° F) with a molten fuel and coolant consisting of melted fluoride salts (sodium fluoride, NaF; zirconium fluoride, ZrF 4; and UF4 [enriched in 235U]).

The second MSR was a civilian power plant prototype, the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE)7. Hugely successful, it was ignored by the US Atomic Energy Commission (US AEC), which had decided to favor the Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR).

The Director of ORNL, Dr. Alvin Weinberg, pushed for the MSR, but was fired for his efforts.

The notable features of this reactor are:

●  Meltdown proof
●  Does not produce weapons grade plutonium
●  Has inherent non-proliferation features
●  Thousands of years of energy
●  Simplified fuel cycle (no fuel elements nor reprocessing required)
●  Its wastes are simpler and less toxic than current nuclear wastes
●  Only hundreds of years of storage versus thousands for the current wastes
●  Can completely destroy military plutonium
●  Can burn the existing wastes (spent fuel)!
●  Higher thermal efficiencies (operates at a "Red Heat"; ~700° C [1,260° F])

The above was written and created by
Bruce Hoglund <>, © 1997
Please send me any HELPFUL comments. Responsible use is allowed as long as the author is cited.

Above from:   MSR - What is Molten Salt & Its Technology_ .pdf  

(Right)  In fact, there were TWO nuclear aircraft engines under development at the time.  Heat Transfer Reactor Experiment - 3 (HTRE-3) is the large one above and on the left in the small picture.  It came from Pratt & Whitney.  The other one, HTRE-1 (later rebuilt as HTRE-2) was an air-direct-core-cooled General Electric design.

(Small image above from Wikipedia (click on it for large image), large image (above) taken by author Sept, 2010 from Idaho National Labs parking lot.)

"The US Aircraft Reactor Experiment (ARE) was a 2.5 MW thermal nuclear reactor experiment designed to attain a high power density for use as an engine in a nuclear powered bomber. It used the molten fluoride salt NaF-ZrF4-UF4 (53-41-6 mol%) as fuel, was moderated by beryllium oxide (BeO), used liquid sodium as a secondary coolant and had a peak temperature of 860 °C. It operated for a 1000-hour cycle in 1954. It was the first molten salt reactor. Work on this project in the US stopped after ICBMs made it obsolete. The designs for its engines can currently be viewed at the EBR-I memorial building at the Idaho National Laboratory." - - 






For more information about the airplane photos, see ASME web article: 



After Nuclear Aircraft Engines

After Nuclear Aircraft Engines

Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment 1965 to 1969.  (Oak Ridge National Labs Photo from Kirk Sorensen's 2011 TEA talk slides.)
Notice the water-cooled pump motor.  The 1,200°F reactor was so hot you could take a photograph of it at night without a flash.  Both the heat and corrosiveness of the salt makes this a place to stay away from.  EBASCO did some unrecognized brilliant engineering and came up with a far better reactor confinement cell design.




Molten salt-to-air heat exchanger running full-blast.  1,200°F+ is the normal discharge temperature of this reactor.  It can replace most coal, natural gas, and oil fires.  Molten salt reactor experiment, Oak Ridge National Laboratories.   Temperature Colors - 540.jpg



(Right) Assembling the graphite core of the experimental 10 megaWatt Molten Salt Reactor (MSRE).   

"The MSRE's piping, core vat and structural components were made from Hastelloy-N and its moderator was a pyrolytic graphite core. The fuel for the MSRE was LiF-BeF2-ZrF4-UF4 (65-30-5-0.1), the graphite core moderated it, and its secondary coolant was FLiBe (2LiF-BeF2), it operated as hot as 650 °C (1,200°F) and operated for the equivalent of about 1.5 years of full power operation."




Dr. Ralph Moir and Dr. Edward Teller (inventor of the Hydrogen Bomb) advocate MSRs

From leading nuclear experts:

Dr. Ralph Moir and Dr. Edward Teller (inventor of the Hydrogen Bomb) advocate MSRs
MSR - Thorium-Fueled Underground Power Plant Based On Molten Salt Technology - moir teller .pdf
     (P-334,  NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY,  VOL. 151,  SEP. 2005)

This paper addresses the problems posed by running out of oil and gas supplies and the environmental problems that are due to greenhouse gases by suggesting the use of the energy available in the resource thorium, which is much more plentiful than the conventional nuclear fuel uranium.   We propose the burning of this thorium dissolved as a fluoride in molten salt in the minimum viscosity mixture of LiF and BeF2 together with a small amount of 235U or plutonium fluoride to initiate the process to be located at least 10 m underground.   The fission products could be stored at the same underground location. With graphite replacement or new cores and with the liquid fuel transferred to the new cores periodically, the power plant could operate for up to 200 yr with no transport of fissile material to the reactor or of wastes from the reactor during this period.   Advantages that include utilization of an abundant fuel, inaccessibility of that fuel to terrorists or for diversion to weapons use, together with good economics and safety features such as an underground location will diminish public concerns.    We call for the construction of a small prototype thorium-burning reactor.

(How this, Dr. Teller's last paper, came into being: )  
MSR - Hatch Reid Introduce New Thorium Nuclear Fuel Bill to Promote Energy Independence .pdf

"Edward Teller had a different approach to nuclear safety. He thought that reactors should be buried deep underground and operate without human intervention.  That way if the reactor broke, you could throw in a few shovels of dirt, and that would be all it took to keep the reactor safe forever, or so Teller thought.  Towards the end of his life, Teller realized that Alvin Weinberg's Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) was safe, and that if you built MSRs they would not have to be buried so deep in order to protect the public.  The MSR was very stable, in fact so stable that no operators were required.  Since the reactor core was a molten fluid, you did not have to worry about nuclear meltdown.  Teller explained it all in his last paper, Thorium fueled underground power plant based on molten salt technology."

From:  by Charles Barton


THE GOOD: Molten Salt Reactor advantages

THE GOOD: Molten Salt Reactor advantages

30-year automatic power runs with a sealed reactor containment is claimed.


* Note Added in Proof: Since this report was written, a molten-salt system was identified that may be remarkably resistant to materials diversion as well as having a conversion ratio near 1.0. This system uses a denatured fuel mixture of 233U-238U; processing consists only of removing fission products. These results are only tentative and require more analysis before the described properties can be confirmed. - -

" Molten Salt Converter Reactors with No On-Site Fuel Processing

Molten-salt reactors without continuous fuel processing (except for fission gas removal) have been studied extensively.  While not intrinsically different from MSBRs except for processing, the conversion ratios for such systems are generally less than 1.0 (typically 0.85 to 0.95) and they have therefore been called molten-salt converter reactors (MSCRs). In the cases studied, a fuel charge would remain in the reactor for either 6 or 8 equivalent full-power years (efpy), where the reactor lifetime is taken to be 24 efpy, or about 30 years of operation at 0.8 plant factor. While the operating cycle may be long enough to be of interest for a nonproliferation reactor, the usual MSCR cycle requires continual addition of fissile fuel to maintain the reactor critical. To meet the criteria of the non-proliferation reactor, the MSCR would have to be modified to eliminate the need for fissile feed and to provide another means for controlling the reactivity (keff). To achieve these objectives, the initial charge could be modified to contain all the fissile material required for the entire operating cycle. A good way to do this would be to boost the conversion ratio to near 1.0 by increasing the amount of thorium in the charge, which would also increase the amount of fissile material required. This system appears to be quite feasible, and would not be greatly different from at least one of the MSCR cases studied, in which a lifetime averaged conversion ratio of 0.98 was obtained based on a fuel salt containing 14 mole percent thorium.

The problem of controlling reactivity with adding or removing fissile material also appears tractable. The largest change in reactivity occurs during the first few months of the cycle, as the rapidly saturating fission products build in. This change is suited to control by a burnable poison added to the fuel charge. Reactivity changes would be small during the remainder of the cycle and could be controlled by conventional shim rods in the core. The fissile materials usually considered for the startup of molten-salt reactors are fully enriched uranium, recycled plutonium from light-water reactors, and recycled 233U from molten salt reactors.

The overall performance of the system is little affected by the starting material, since (because of the high conversion ratio) after a few years the main fuel in the system becomes 233U. For this reason, molten-salt reactors have been examined as burners for the plutonium generated in light-water reactors. The plutonium could be utilized without requiring the fabrication of fuel elements, and with minimum requirements for plutonium fuel transportation.

The performance of the non-proliferation system can be estimated by comparison with appropriate cases from the MSCR studies. It was assumed that the average conversion ratio for the non-proliferation system would be roughly equal to the end-of-cycle conversion ratio for a comparable MSCR system, because of the effect of the control poison required. For a reactor designed for an average conversion ratio of 0.95, the estimated fissile specific inventory is about 3 kg/MWe and the estimated lifetime (24 efpy) fissile requirement is about 1 kg/MWe. It is expected that this system could operate on an 8-efpy cycle, which would require two fuel-salt changes during the life of the reactor. Thus the fissile inventory that would be removed with the fission-product-laden salt charge at the end of a fuel cycle would be approximately equivalent to that installed with the new salt charge. Even longer cycles, such as 12 efpy requiring only one salt change per lifetime, appear possible but would have to be confirmed by further studies.

The diversion resistance of the MSCR-type system would be approximately equivalent to the previously described systems with processing, except that the reactor would have to be opened up under supervision one or more times during its lifetime for replacement of the fuel salt."

Other advantages:

It is hot enough to replace every coal burning boiler ever made.

It can be made large enough to replace every coal burning boiler ever made.

It is more docile and predictable during power changes than all solid fuel reactors since the fission product, xenon-135, produced by all reactors, immediately bubbles out of the liquid fuel salt and leaves the core's reaction area without causing the reactor to become "spooky" as the xenon-135 decays away (it has a nine-hour half-life).

It can be made far more cheaply than today's solid fuel reactors.

It gets far more energy out of its fuel than today's reactors.

It can run on the world's nearly endless supply of dirt-cheap thorium.

It is unpressurized so does not need a containment vessel, just a nuclear "hot room confinement" shielding and sealing.

Its heat exchangers are virtually unpressurized (except for perhaps 5 psig inerting) for minimum cost, maximum safety.

It can be run at a average 80% capacity factor unattended for 30 years except for an annual "Topping Off" of thorium.

Its negative thermal reactivity makes it an excellent load follower and confers great safety.


THE BAD:  Molten Salt Reactor shortcomings

THE BAD:  Molten Salt Reactor shortcomings

"If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is."  As an old project applications engineer, I've seen a lot of seemingly good ideas (some of them mine) go sour.

To the author, the WORST THING ABOUT MOLTEN SALT REACTORS IS HOW HOT THE SALT HAS TO BE BEFORE IT BECOMES MOLTEN: 459°C. or 858°F for the basic fuel salt, Li2BeF4 (Flibe).

This is dauntingly hot.  Some metals will become soft, or even melt, at temperatures like these.  Fortunately, the Nichrome wire used to get the pipes and pumps hot is good for 2,552°F but will suck up a lot of Amperes restarting a stone-cold MSR reactor (52 Amps to get 1,000°F out of AWG 8 Nichrome).

On the other hand, the boiling point of Li2BeF4 is 1,430°C, or 2,610°F, well above the 1,300°F cruising temperature of a thorium reactor, provides a huge vapor pressure safety margin.

The reactor's third cooling loop is a commercial heat transfer medium, HITEC, for heating and cooling between 300-1100°F (149-538°C) that is used in process operations, such as reactor temperature maintenance, high-temperature distillation, reactant preheating, rubber curing, and rotational molding.

1. To start the reactor, something strongly fissile, such as uranium-235 at 20% enrichment is needed to initialize the conversion of non-fissile thorium-232 to fissile uranium-233, far greater than the 4% enrichment generally used for conventional solid fuel reactors.  20% enrichment is considered the threshold for weapons-grade material.

2. MSR - The Bad News from France .pdf  As the (non-French speaking, non-nuclear engineer) author understands this report, they claim you can get into trouble with certain breeder reactor configurations and they have come up with an even safer, better, faster, "Molten Salt Fast Breeder Reactor," a no-graphite core fast neutron reactor optimized for breeding fissile fuels. 

The author is talking about the far more mundane "Molten Salt Converter Reactor," a graphite-core slow neutron reactor optimized for 30-year electricity power runs while making almost no nuclear wastes. 

Does anyone know of criticality issues associated with thermal region converter reactors?

3. I have asked three different persons who claim to be knowledgeable about Molten Salt Reactors if MSRs were "ready for prime time."  I have been met with silence from all three. 

4. Since salt is corrosive, Molten Salt reactors and everything associated with them have to be made from the same more expensive materials we use to make our salt-water nuclear aircraft carriers and submarines.  Materials such as Hastelloy-N (an anti-corrosive, radiation-resistant alloy), brass, and expensive high-temperature plastics. 

5. The buildings in the following sketches will have to be built for corrosion resistance and corrosion containment.  Notice the pumps in the salt-containing reactor and steam generator buildings are above the salt levels.  Being at the highest point in a liquid loop makes them more cavitation-prone, not a good thing.

6.  "MET" was an atomic bomb with a core of uranium-233.  It was, in fact, detonated in this series of tests.  "MET" had a yield of 22 kilotons - in the same range as the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs.  The nuclear weapon equivalent of a steam engine powered airplane.



"Controlling tritium migration to the steam system of the 1000-MW(e) reference design MSBR power station by interposing a KN03-NaNOa-NaN03 [HITEC] salt-circulating system to chemically trap the tritium would add about $13 million to the total of $206 million now estimated as the cost of the reference plant if Hastelloy N is used to contain the LiF-BFa salt employed to transport heat from the fuel salt to the nitrate-nitrite salt, and about $10 million if Incoloy could be used.

The major expenses associated with the modification are the costs of the additional heat exchangers ($9 million), the additional pumps ($5 million), and the 7LiF-BeFa inventory ($4.8 million).

Some of the expense is offset by elimination of some equipment from the feedwater system ($2 million), through use of less expensive materials in the steam generators and reheaters (about $2 million), and through an improved thermal efficiency of the plant (worth about $1 million).

In addition to acting as an effective tritium trap the third circulating system would make accidental mixing of the fuel and secondary salts of less consequence and would simplify startup and operation of the MSBR. A simplified flowsheet for the modified plant, a cell layout showing location of the new equipment, physical properties of the fluids, design data and cost estimates for the new and modified equipment are presented." - -  (From ORNL-TM-3428)


THE UGLY:  When running, thorium's U-232 radiation keeps terrorist's hands out of the cookie jar.

THE UGLY:  When running, thorium's U-232 radiation keeps terrorist's hands out of the cookie jar.

When running, the molten salt reactor's fission process converts non-radioactive thorium-232 into radioactive uranium-233.  A trace amount of uranium-232 is also produced.  Uranium-232 produces a very strong gamma ray when it decays.  Eventually, only a trace amount - 1% - of any radioactive material remains as the reactor runs out of fuel, but, while running, you can pick up a 5 rem dose (a significant dose) in a very few minutes if you go around the shielding and get near the reactor. 

Not necessarily more, but different radiation containment materials arranged in different order are needed to shield molten salt reactors.  The residual 1% is strongly radioactive at first but soon decays to 17% in 10 years and eventually to the radioactivity level of natural uranium ore in a mine after several hundred more years, eliminating the need for million-year storage of the large amounts of high-level nuclear waste our uranium nuclear power plants make.

Shoot-from-the-hip comment by someone who really doesn't like liquid thorium reactors:  ( MSR - Steve Bell's Objections to MSRs .pdf )

"The obstacles to a molten salt liquid thorium reactor are more monstrous, as is the concept itself.  I find it hard (though not impossible) to envision a nuclear reactor concept that more elegantly combines all the worst imaginable industrial safety and health problems into one package.  While there is too little space here to elaborate, one difficulty is safely managing tons of extremely radioactive molten materials at 1100°F being pumped through, into, and out of the system.  Leaks are inevitable and would not be benign events.  Even if you can get past such difficulties, there are enormous infrastructure investments in new materials and manufacturing.  Serious nuclear system engineers will stay far away from this concept, now and forever." - - Steve Bell, Friday, August 13, 2010, 12:34:12 PM

 MSR - U-232 and the Proliferation-Resistance of U-233 in Spent Fuel - Kang and von Hippel .pdf  "India's Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) has been concerned about the occupational hazards associated with the fabrication of fuel containing U-233.  Its long-term ambition is to cleanse U-233 down to “a few ppm” U-232 using laser isotope purification.  In the meantime, a 1993 article from the Bhabba Atomic Research Center in Bombay reported a 6.7 person-rem summed dose incurred by workers fabricating a research-reactor core containing 0.6 kg “clean” U-233 containing 3 ppm U-232."  (India is committed to thorium as a reactor fuel.)

"Table 2: Unshielded working hours required to accumulate a 5 rem dose (5 kg sphere of metal at 0.5 m one year after separation).
Metal Dose Rate                             (rem/hr)              Hours

Weapon-grade "fresh" plutonium          0.0013                3800. <   (This shows how silly we are being
Reactor-grade "stale" plutonium           0.0082                  610.      about plutonium radiation. - - JH)
U-233 containing 1ppm U-232              0.013                    380.
U-233 containing 5ppm U-232              0.059                      80.
U-233 containing 100 ppm U-232         1.27                          4.
U-233 containing 1 percent U-232     127.                             0.04"

(Right) What is needed to stop different kinds of radiation.


From Wikipedia:
"Thorium fueled reactors may pose a slightly higher proliferation risk than uranium based reactors because, while Pu-239 will fairly often fail to undergo fission after neutron capture and produce Pu-240, the corresponding process in the thorium cycle is relatively rare. Thorium-232 converts to U-233, which will almost always undergo fission successfully, meaning that there will be very little U-234 produced in the reactor's thorium/U-233 breeder blanket, and the resulting pure U-233 will be comparatively easy to extract and use for weapons. However, the opposite process (neutron knock-off) happens as a matter of course, producing U-232, which has the strong gamma emitter, thallium-208, in its decay chain. These gamma rays complicate the safe handling of a weapon and the design of its electronics; this explains why U-233 has never been pursued for weapons beyond proof-of-concept demonstrations."

The above is a strong argument for a sealed 30-year reactor on a barge (below).  If something goes bad, the reactor barge goes back to the factory where specialized equipment with proper shielding can be used to efficiently effect repairs.  If something doesn't go bad, after 30 years the reactor goes back to the factory for either disposal or refurbishing, refueling, and reuse.  - - Jim Holm

Over half of the 1,200 supersized power plants are on navigable water, making shipyard mass produced concrete "Reactor Barges" a cost-attractive approach. They would be parked on pilings in filled-in slips cut next to a power plant’s turbine gallery. If desired, a great deal of physical security can be economically added. Such "Reactor Barges" would act as catch basins in the event of an accidental fuel salt spill, "float" on the ground during an earthquake, be "high and dry" in the more likely event of a storm surge, be easily returned to a factory for its 30-year refurbishing-refueling, and be easily removed forever when no longer needed, leaving no residual radiation or nuclear power site decommissioning costs.




Out gassing of radioactive Xenon-135 and cesium something or other.  Nothing solid uranium reactors don't also do but gasses stay trapped in the zirconium tubes that hold the fuel pellets.  Xenon-135 makes reactors "squirrely" and was a big reason the operators screwed up at Chernobyl.  Since the xenon-135 bubbles out of the water-like liquid salt immediately and thus does not affect the reactor's fission strength, this is one more reason molten salt reactors are well-behaved.  A simple and inexpensive out-gas handler was developed for the Molten Salt Experimental Reactor.


General Considerations

General Considerations

1. Simple elegance rather than mechanical precision.  "Unpressurized" is the word that makes this reactor and its associated equipment far cheaper than equivalent solid fuel rod reactors.  A major disadvantage of MSRs is that the molten salt is corrosive. The reactor system thus has to be made out of corrosion-resistant materials such as Hastelloy-N.

2. Comment by Bruce Hoglund: "There are no technical obstacles for the deployment of a 'sealed' MSR that operates with no chemical processing.  Such a reactor could operate for ~30 years with no processing other than allowing the noble gases to naturally bubble out of the salt and periodic additions of fissile material.

Since it would be advantageous due to environmental, economic, and resource conservation concerns to achieve as much reclamation of the expensive salt after (or during) the 30 year operation period, a parallel development of various salt processing methods should occur(78) (much of which has already been done as part of the Integral Fuel Reactor [IFR] project's fuel cycle studies).  If this strategy of attempting to remove very long term fission product buildups in the salt is pursued, the salt can continue service in another reactor after the first MSR has reached the end of its life.

This would not only greatly reduce decommissioning costs and difficulties (as the vast majority of the radioactivities go with the salt and removed fission products), but allow the expense of the salt to be amortized over >100 year periods!"

78. Page 94, "Conceptual Design Characteristics of a Denatured Molten-Salt Reactor With Once-Through Fueling", J.R. Engel, W.R. Grimes, H.F. Bauman, H.E. McCoy, J.F. Dearing, & W.A. Rhoades, (1980), ORNL/TM-7207, 156 pages. 

3. There is a fairly recent study on the estimated cost of electricity from 1, Molten-Salt reactor powered plant, 2, conventional nuclear, and 3, coal.  MSR - Cost of electricity from Molten Salt Reactors -  coe_10_2_2001.pdf  There have been no studies on what it would cost to produce electricity from a plant converted from coal to MSR nuclear.


Uncertainties, unanswered questions

Relocated to:   Questions.  Things I know I don't know.



References  Kirk Sorensen, is the Molten Salt Reactor / LFTR's current U.S. custodian.  If you check out only one site . . .

MSR-FUJI - General Information .pdf  - A quick presentation.   MSR Development in Japan .pdf     MSR - What is Molten Salt & Its Technology_ .pdf     
MSR - HITEC Heat Transfer Salt .pdf     MSR Thorium Mining in Turkey - amr-thorium-project-2011.pdf 

There is a book available from Amazon on how the heat exchangers were designed to be fabricated (by R.G. Donnelly, $9.99).  The inexpensive "shell and tube" heat exchangers to make the steams necessary to replace the coal boiler could come from Babcock & Wilcox or perhaps 50 other boilermakers worldwide.
Heat Exchangers - Classification of Heat Exchangers - 0471321710 .pdf 

Why did our nuclear industry pass on this one?  While the MSR is not perfect, consider all the shortcomings of what we have now.

This is the "Model T" of nuclear reactors.  Intended to replace coal right from the start and safe versions are easy to build in any size.  It is the low-cost nuclear replacement for all large coal fires.  The mitigation money to pay for them for them is there.  The proof-of-performance prototypes have been run.  The design studies for 350 and 1,000 megaWatt (electrical) operational units have been worked out.  All we need now are site, construction, and shop detail drawings and the courage to actually do it. 


Molten Salt Reactor Basics

The yellow fuel-carrying salt is shown flowing into and out of the reactor in tubes drilled in an otherwise solid block of graphite (colored black) - about 90% of the volume of the reactor vessel is occupied by graphite. 

Molten Salt Reactor Basics

It cannot melt down because being melted is its normal state.  Being an unpressurized pool of molten salt, it can't explode.  If, for any reason, the salt gets too hot, a freeze plug in the bottom of the reactor melts and the liquid "fuel salt" drains into the blue emergency dump tanks beneath the reactor.  There, away from the reactor's moderator rods, the fuel salt immediately ceases to fission and is passively cooled by a sodium-potassium cooling system. 

The neat thing about using molten salt is that if any leaks out, it immediately cools, turns solid, and doesn't go anywhere - think red-hot lava flowing from a volcano.  The second stage "Coolant Salt" is non-radioactive, clean, pure melted salt - also as fluid as water - with no radioactivity.  This is the salt that carries the heat from the reactor to the "shell and tube" heat exchanger (lower right, above) to make the steam needed to drive the turbine which, in turn, drives the electricity generator.

The "Chemical Processing" module is a small "hot" room located next to the reactor.  It functions like a swimming pool cleaner - spent nuclear fuel is removed, fresh fuel is added. 

The reactor has an extremely high negative temperature coefficient and tends to "load follow" (think cruise control) extremely well so thorium reactor experts say only a few control rods will do.   (Image from Idaho National Laboratories Gen-IV Reactor Project.)


More about Molten Salt Reactors

More about Molten Salt Reactors  Kirk Sorensen - More than anyone is the LFTR's current custodian.  Kirk Sorensen has provided us with a gold mine of information. 
MSR - Safety and Licensing Aspects of the Molten Salt Reactor - 120507.pdf
Molten-Salt-Reactor Technology Gaps .pdf
MSR - High Temperature Molten Salt Coolants - Literature-IAEA .pdf   
MSR - Thermal and Fast Spectrum Molten Salt Reactors - msr_deliverable_doe-global_07_paper.pdf  Bruce Hoglund Home page Bruce Hoglund 
Thorium Molten Salt Reactor covered in Wall Street Journal

The 1965 and 1972 engineering projects for producing a 1,000 megaWatt (electrical) liquid reactor.


Molten salt reactors - As per World Nuclear Association

Small Nuclear Power Reactors  (Updated 10 March 2011 

During the 1960s, the USA developed the molten salt breeder reactor concept as the primary back-up option for the fast breeder reactor (cooled by liquid metal) and a small prototype 8 MWt Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) operated at Oak Ridge over four years. U-235 fluoride was in molten sodium and zirconium fluorides at 860°C which flowed through a graphite moderator. There is now renewed interest in the concept in Japan, Russia, France and the USA, and one of the six Generation IV designs selected for further development is the molten salt reactor (MSR).

In the MSR, the fuel is a molten mixture of lithium and beryllium fluoride salts with dissolved enriched uranium, thorium or U-233 fluorides. The core consists of unclad graphite moderator arranged to allow the flow of salt at some 700°C and at low pressure. Heat is transferred to a secondary salt circuit and thence to steamo. It is not a fast neutron reactor, but with some moderation by the graphite is epithermal (intermediate neutron speed). The fission products dissolve in the salt and are removed continuously in an on-line reprocessing loop and replaced with Th-232 or U-238. Actinides remain in the reactor until they fission or are converted to higher actinides which do so. MSRs have a negative temperature coefficient of reactivity, so will shut down as temperature increases beyond design limits.

Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor

The Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor (LFTR) is one kind of MSR which breeds its U-233 fuel from a fertile blanket of liquid thorium salts. Some of the neutrons released during fission of the U-233 salt in the reactor core are absorbed by the thorium in the blanket salt. U-233 is thus produced in the blanket and this is then transferred to the fuel salt. LFTRs can rapidly change their power output, and hence be used for load following. Because they are expected to be inexpensive to build and operate, 100 MWe LFTRs could be used as peak and back-up reserve power units.

Fuji MSR

The Fuji MSR is a 100 MWe design to operate as a near-breeder and being developed internationally by a Japanese, Russian and US consortium. The attractive features of this MSR fuel cycle include: the high-level waste comprising fission products only, hence shorter-lived radioactivity; small inventory of weapons-fissile material (Pu-242 being the dominant Pu isotope); low fuel use (the French self-breeding variant claims 50kg of thorium and 50kg U-238 per billion kWh); and safety due to passive cooling up to any size.


Advanced LIQUID FLUORIDE THORIUM (LFTR) Nuclear Reactors

Advanced LIQUID FLUORIDE THORIUM (LFTR) Nuclear Reactors

The following advanced MSR versions are not suitable/intended for the author's idea for repowering an existing superheated or supercritical coal, natural gas, or oil burning steam driven electricity generating station.

(Right)  A proposed 200 mWe Thorium powered power plant.  For more, visit:

These folks have gone beyond steam turbines to gas turbines in their designs.  There are some good reasons for this.  A big reason is that molten salt reactors and water don't get along too well and need an additional buffer cooling loop which raises costs and lowers both efficiency and reliability.  See Gen-IV gas turbine diagram below.  The author notes that gas turbines are not all roses either.  Note that it has a power-sucking 2-stage gas compressor.  Does this really make it that much better than conventional superheated steam without smokestack losses?  It does avoid that third stage of heat exchanging - sort of - but you still have that recuperator and intercooler. 

Take a close look at the MSR-Gas Turbine below.  One might consider the gas turbine's precooler and intercooler pair and the steam plant's steam condenser a wash.  - Grumpy old retiree.


Advanced LIQUID FLUORIDE THORIUM (LFTR) Nuclear Reactors  Kirk Sorensen - More than anyone is the LFTR's current custodian.  Gold mine of information.  International Thorium Molten Salt Forum (Japanese)  Excellent Primer on Aqueous Reactors (1958)  Technical Papers and Readings

Thorium a Viable Option .pdf 

Thorium Based Fuel Options for the Generation of Electricity -  31030535.pdf 

Thorium fuel cycle - Potential benefits and challenges - TE_1450_web.pdf 

Thorium fuel utilization - Options and trends - te_1319_web.pdf 

Thorium Proponent Kirk Sorenson .pdf



Here is the modern PhD's dream for thorium-fueled molten salt reactors.
A power plant that does not boil water - something man has had to do for 300 years to get mechanical energy from heat.
This power plant heats a gas such as helium and, on paper, should be 5% to 10% more efficient than molten salt boiler steam power plant.
Hitting the Sound Barrier: Turbines are speed-of-sound sensitive devices and the speed of sound in helium is about twice as fast as the speed of sound in steam.
Remember inhaling some helium from a helium balloon and then talking like a chipmunk?  These turbines are going to be difficult to build and maintain.



Websites by thorium enthusiasts  Charles Barton - It is his father's reactor. 
Kirk Sorensen - More than anyone, the LFTR's current custodian.  Thorium Electro Nuclear Ltd.  Norway



Small Particle Accelerator Could Power Thorium Reactors.
Popular Science (6/16, Boyle) reports on the Electron Model of Many Applications, or EMMA, "a small particle accelerator that could be used to power future thorium reactors." The article notes that thorium is drawing increased interest as the basis for reactors because of its safety in comparison to traditional nuclear reactors. Getting thorium to release energy "is one obstacle to building small thorium reactors," an issue EMMA could resolve. Popular Science notes, "EMMA is the first non- scaling, fixed-field, alternating-gradient (NS-FFAG) accelerator, qualities that make it easier to operate and maintain, more reliable and compact, more flexible and more efficient, according to British researchers."

Market Qualms Make Safer Reactor Designs Slow In Coming, Experts Say.
In an "Ingenuity Of The Commons" blog entry for Forbes (4/22), Jeff McMahon wrote, "Safer nuclear reactors have been available for years, but the energy market prefers less expensive conventional designs, a nuclear energy expert from Argonne National Laboratory said Thursday." Argonne Nuclear Energy Division director Hussein Khalil said that there is a "tremendous incentive" to develop "new reactors that have more inherent, intrinsic safety features, and we've been doing this for some time at ANR" and while they have "been developed to a fairly high degree of technical maturity, but none of them have been successfully commercialized yet because it appears they can't yet compete on an economic basis with the existing technology." Khalil said, "liquid-metal and sodium cooled reactors are examples of safer reactor designs," but noted they haven't been selected because it's easier and cheaper to repeat older designs than risk the "'regulatory uncertainty' faced by power companies that risk new designs."



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