Getting serious about ending Global Warming
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Ending Global Warming

Chinese Example
Chinese HTR-PM steam/pebble nuclear power plant drawing shows identical thinking to Coal Yard Nuke conversion.

What China is doing.  Source:  Chinese Pebble Bed Reactor Progress Presentation, May, 2007 .pdf  (4.35 meg)

TRISO Pebble.  The first commercial-scale plant (HTR-PM) in China.  Will make use of indirect cycle, steam turbine systems.  The HTR-PM features two 250 MW (thermal) reactor modules and a 210 MWe steam turbine-generator set.

The Chinese recently developed the power plant shown below.   It is identical to the world's thousands of coal-burning power plants, except in this case the steam is produced by a small pebble bed nuclear reactor - NOT COAL.  (That's very important.)

Therefore, there is no technical reason why EXISTING coal-burning steam power plants could not also be converted to run on steam produced by small pebble bed reactors - NOT COAL.    This alone will stop 70% of Global Warming's yearly advance.

Chinese HTR-PM Steam/Pebble Basic Component Layout (May, 2007)
At coal's 2 lb of CO2 per kilowatt-hour (EIA), this reactor will avoid making 2,400 tons of CO2 every 24 hours or almost one million tons of CO2 every year.  Small, as reactors go, the HTR-PM reactor is designed to drive a standard 100 MWe (megawatt-electrical) power plant steam turbine.  As of July, 2008, carbon uncertainties have driven new coal-burning power plant costs to $3.50 per watt to construct (Synapse Energy Economics, Inc.).  This reactor, which is basically a 20 foot diameter, 80 foot high, sheet metal silo filled with 1,000 tons of $2,500 per ton graphite, plus the new water heater, steam generator, and piping, shouldn't cost $100 million ($1 per watt) installed and running.  Heck, a US built 25 MWe Hyperion TRIGA-like reactor currently has a street price of 25 million.  A doubling of Hyperion's price might bring a quadrupling of MWe. 


















The Chinese equipment symbols are virtually identical.
(Below) Author's Coal to Nuclear Conversion Layout
(Drawing below flipped opposite hand for ease of comparison.  Obsolete coal equipment faded.)















Classic "Coal Yard Nuke" Layout.

Construction of CHINERGY's $300 million plant should begin in spring 2007, with completion targeted for 2010. This streamlined nuclear plant construction timetable is also a first for the nuclear power industry, where designing and building generators usually take decades, rather than years. 

Contact Details:


Rm302A Guangxinhua building,18#
Nan’er jie, Si you xin ma lu,

Wuyang xin cheng, Guangzhou
Phone: +86-20-87370292, 88571880
Fax: + 86-20-87370483


Mr. Sam
Mobile: +8613138625359